Richard Wilson was in his kitchen making coffee and getting ready for work one July morning when he heard his wife, Julie, call out from the shower.
She had just finished rinsing off when the water stopped.
“I started hollering for him: 'We ain't got no water! What's wrong with the water?'” she said. “I didn't know what was going on.”
He went to the sink and turned on the faucets. Nothing came out.
He went outside their home in Cochise, where pine trees tower above their lawn, and frantically flipped the switches on their pump. It started briefly, then cut out again.
Unable to get water for days, they started to haul it in buckets from their restaurant in nearby Sunsites.
They later hired a technician to install a new pump. He suggested first checking the water level and lowered a probe to the bottom of the well.
“They went down 387 feet. Not a drop of water,” Richard Wilson said. “So, at that point you're like, 'Now what do I do?’ I've already been a week without water, having to haul water home from town so that we can take showers with buckets.”
They were able to buy a 2,500-gallon tank. The couple began paying $300 a pop for someone to haul water to the property. A full tank could last a few weeks as long as they rationed it and didn't water their trees. They watched their prized peach trees wither.
They considered drilling a deeper well, but they were concerned they couldn’t afford it.
They maxed out their finances to buy the home last year, and they had heard a driller might charge them $30,000 to $50,000 for a new well. But no driller would guarantee how long a newly drilled, deeper well would last. They saw no other option but to continue hauling water.
A growing number of families have been struggling with dry wells in the farming towns around Willcox in southeastern Arizona. Groundwater levels have been dropping for years as large cattle operations, cornfields, pistachio groves and other farms have pumped out billions of gallons of groundwater.
The farms, along with vineyards and wineries, have moved in to take advantage of the year-round sunshine and ample farmland.
Though the arid Willcox area averages 12 inches of rainfall a year, the farms have access to huge amounts of groundwater. There is no restriction on how much they can pump out of the ground.
Big farms around Willcox draw on wells as deep as 2,500 feet. As they do, water levels throughout the area are plummeting and homeowners’ shallower wells are increasingly going dry. As the water is pumped out, the ground is sinking. As the earth settles, fissures are gouging cracks in the roads.
Farms and other well owners are pumping more than four times as much water as the estimated natural recharge that goes into the ground in an average year, according to data from the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
Some farmers acknowledge the problem.
“The best-case scenario, we're sucking out four times as much as we're putting in,” said John Hart, president of the Cochise County Farm and Livestock Bureau. “To me, that's something that's just an irrefutable fact. You can argue about the numbers, but I think everybody has to agree that we're sucking more out than is going back in. Well levels in general are dropping, and at some point in the future, it's going to be a major problem — and for some guys it already is.”
Though groundwater levels have been in decline for years, drilling isn't slowing down — it has accelerated in the past 10 years, according to an Arizona Republic analysis of state well-drilling data.
In 2015, 123 new wells were completed in the Willcox basin, compared with 43 in 2010.
The wells are also being drilled deeper. The average depth of all wells was 358 feet deeper in 2018 than it was in 2010.
Recognizing the situation’s peril, a group of farmers, homeowners and business people got together in 2015 to talk about how they could address the problem. They came up with a locally led proposal to manage water and conserve it on farms.
But their proposal failed to win enough support and in 2016 the effort was abandoned after fruitless meetings with members of the Arizona Legislature.
The push left bitter divisions. And more than three years later, the community remains divided and is miles away from mounting any collective response to combat the rapid declines in groundwater levels. A petition from local water users asking the Department of Water Resources to form a new managed area in nearby San Simon also ended in acrimony.
Alan Seitz, one of the leaders of the 2015 effort in Willcox, said he has stepped away from trying to fix Willcox’s water situation because of how it divided the community.
“It pit neighbors against neighbors, that have been maybe lifelong friends for 40 or 50 years, and all of a sudden now they're at odds,” Seitz said. “We took enough grief over that thing that I just kind of quit talking to people about it. … There just wasn't the support, so that was a chapter that I just wanted to put behind me.”
The political inaction has locked in the status quo. Farms keep pumping. Groundwater keeps disappearing. And homeowners with dry wells keep asking for help that isn't coming.
Anyone wanting to understand why the Wilsons struggled to get help with their well should to talk to Peggy Judd, the Cochise County supervisor who represents the area.
About 20 people have complained to her office about wells that have dried up, she said. But she doesn’t sound particularly sympathetic to the plight of her constituents, saying that many of them don’t understand what it’s like to live in a rural area with the uncertainty of a well. A well, she said, is “not guaranteed to work forever.”
Many of the wells are failing, she said, because they are shallow wells that were drilled 20 or 30 years ago.
Judd said she strongly supports the agriculture industry and farmers. She dislikes the idea of requiring growers to put meters on their wells. And until recently, she opposed the idea of placing any restrictions on well-drilling or groundwater pumping.
In an interview in August, she said her gut feeling was that it wasn’t yet time for intervention. She said she was worried that if restrictions on drilling were put in place, they may never be lifted.
“You take our ability to farm away, what happens when it starts raining?” Judd asked. “Maybe in another 10 years down the road, when we’re getting a little more desperate, people will come together.”
In November, Judd said she had a change of heart after talking further with constituents and hearing former Gov. Bruce Babbitt appeal for counties to take the lead in managing groundwater.
Judd said she now wants to consider the possibility of establishing a managed area around Willcox to regulate groundwater. The current farms are fine, Judd said, but she has grown “a little bit more afraid of other people coming in that want to do large-production agriculture.”
Judd said she has heard from farmers and other constituents who would support steps to safeguard water supplies. She said even some of those who fought the 2015 effort are starting to come around to the idea.
“The local people that live here are saying we have to limit, we have to stop it somewhere. It can’t go on forever. And I get that now,” Judd said.
Tommy Hoover, a well driller who grew up in Willcox and owns Hoover Drilling Co. in Casa Grande, said there have been many cycles when farmers in Willcox pumped out too much water from the aquifer and then found themselves hit by drought. He said people sold their farms or simply walked away from them.
“In the past, people couldn’t afford to chase the water,” he said. “This time is a little different. People aren’t leaving. … They are drilling more wells.”
Willcox is a closed basin encircled by mountains, without any major river that runs in or out. The entire basin drains into a large dry lake just south of Willcox. Other than local rain and snowmelt, there is nothing to recharge the underground water supply.
A timelapse of satellite images shows the expansion of agriculture south of Willcox. Much of this area is a large dairy called Riverview that is in the midst of a massive expansion. Garrett Mitchell/The Republic
The farms that rely on this limited supply of water have expanded dramatically over the past decade. The amount of harvested farmland acres in Cochise County increased by 34 percent from 2012 to 2017, according to federal agriculture figures, growing from 65,277 acres to 87,417 acres.
Hart, the farm bureau president, moved from Phoenix to Willcox about 13 years ago when he bought his farm. Even then, he knew Willcox had water issues. But over the last decade, Hart has seen the water levels in his wells decline, requiring him to rework his pumps and grow less than he wants to on his 870-acre farm.
“Am I worried about, is my son going to be able to farm the farm that he grew up on? Yes, I am. Do I know what to do about it? No, I don't,” Hart said. "You know, let's face it: We're sucking more out than we're putting back in. That can't last forever.”
He has grown alfalfa, corn and oats for the last few years, but he worries the water will continue to decline.
“The guys with the deepest pockets are going to drill the deepest wells, and can afford to pump them,” Hart said. “It's survival of the fittest.”
The Wilsons bought their home in Cochise last year. The nine-acre property is flanked by pistachio farms, and the Wilsons, originally from Kentucky, were attracted by the country feel and the quiet. They put out plastic pools for their animals — dogs and ducks, a pig and a goat — and watered their fruit trees and pine trees.
When their well ran dry, they spent weeks hauling 5-gallon buckets and a 30-gallon drum to their house in the back of their pickup from their family restaurant, Jules Pizza, in nearby Sunsites. The whole family, including the Wilsons’ 19-year-old son, Caleb, helped lug the buckets to the house.
“I had to heat it up on the stove, and just take a cup and just get in the shower and shower off like that,” Julie Wilson said. “You’d have to have water in the sinks to wash your hands and to brush your teeth.”
After weeks with dry faucets, the Wilsons settled into a routine of rationing water.
Before doing dishes or washing laundry, they checked the tank to see how much water they had left.
In addition to running the restaurant, Julie Wilson works at the post office and delivers mail, which leaves her hot and sweaty. She used to take two showers a day, one before work and another when she came home.
But she started skipping those showers. The Wilsons also stopped running the hose outside.
She said it pained her to see the rose bushes drying up.
“I have a great big, real pretty patch of grass out in my front yard that I just love. It's just as brown as it could be,” she said, standing beside the counter in the restaurant in August. “And it's just stuff you take for granted. It just makes you really appreciate having water.”
HAVE A FAILING WELL OR A DRY WELL? We want to hear from you
For Richard Wilson, it was hard watching his peach trees shrivel.
“I had peaches galore on my trees, limbs breaking because I had so many peaches, and now they're just drying up,” he said. “All of it’s dying.”
He was rationing the amount of water he gave to his animals, putting less into the plastic pools.
Down the road from his house, he has seen water spraying constantly onto hay fields owned by a corporate farm.
“They can go deep enough to get as much water as they need. We can't,” he said. “We have to haul water because the farmers beat us to it, I guess.”
Several miles away, on the other side of the valley, the Minnesota-based company Riverview LLP bought the Faria Dairy in late 2014 on Kansas Settlement Road south of Willcox.
The company, known locally as Coronado Farms, keeps 75,000 animals at its existing dairy and is in the midst of a massive expansion to the south and east. The new operation, called Turkey Creek Dairy, has plans for 75,000 more cattle, said Kevin Wulf, Riverview's spokesman.
The company grows most of the food for the cattle on its properties, using a rotating mix of silage corn, wheat, and alfalfa. The crops are watered by about 200 center-pivot irrigation systems, which create giant green circles that stand out in sharp contrast against the surrounding dry ground.
Riverview now owns more than 37,000 acres in Willcox, according to a Republic review of property records. It’s by far the biggest farm in the area, and is Riverview's biggest in the five states where it operates.
The new Turkey Creek Dairy is stunningly vast, with cattle yards and 14,000 white plastic shelters for calves. The “calf huts” resemble large dog houses and spread across the desert in straight rows longer than football fields. The calves stay in the huts for 90 days so they don't pick up diseases, and then they are moved into larger groups, Wulf said.
The dairy has 7,000 milk-producing cows and the rest of its animals are for "heifer replacement" — breeding cows for the dairy.
Riverview has expanded its operation by buying smaller farms. And its growing footprint has sparked alarm among homeowners who have been watching the water levels in their wells drop.
The Arizona Department of Water Resources, in its latest report on the Willcox basin, found so much water is being pumped out in the Kansas Settlement and Sunizona areas that several cones of depression — drawn-down portions of the aquifer — are "coalescing into a broader regional-scale groundwater depression.”
Monitoring-well data from the state shows 174 wells on Riverview properties that have multiple readings. Those wells averaged a drop of 80 feet from their maximum to their minimum readings, with 51 declining more than 100 feet. Sixteen of those wells fell more than 200 feet.
Riverview is not the cause of much of these drops as it only bought the property in 2014. But state drilling records show Riverview owns 420 wells in the Willcox area and 134 of those wells were started since the company bought the land. More than 90 of these wells are drilled to depths of more than 1,000 feet. Its deepest well is 2,500 feet deep.
"Ag pumping has been happening for decades and we've been in the valley for five years," Wulf said. "So I don't think this issue is completely on our shoulders."
Wulf declined to disclose how much water the two farms use annually.
"No matter what the number is, it's going to sound big," Wulf said. "I'm not sure that it's going to be presented in a way that is easily understood."
Near Riverview’s green fields, Greg Freeman lives in a neighborhood with large lots in Sunizona, where for years many people have been seeing the water table decline.
Freeman tends a forest on his 11-acre property. He has a thicket of bamboo, as well as juniper trees, cypress, ponderosa pines and other trees. He calls it the Forest in the Desert Arboretum and Oasis, a name that’s emblazoned on signs next to his gate, partially obscured by a fast-growing prickly-pear cactus.
He has lived here since 1975. One of his wells, at 250 feet deep, went dry in 2000 after nearby farms installed center-pivot irrigation systems on land that had been fallow, and started up their pumps. Another well is 335 feet deep and is on the verge of going dry.
When that well goes kaput, Freeman will have one left. He had it drilled 554 feet deep in 2016.
“I drilled that new well in mind that I hope it lasts until I die,” Freeman said. “I'm hoping 25 years, but if the pumping continues like it is, it may not last that long.”
Freeman said just about everyone in his neighborhood is either out of water or has had to have a well drilled deeper.
“It’s been dramatic since about 2000, when the center-pivots came in,” he said, standing in his bamboo grove.
Freeman said he thinks it’s “insane” how deep the growers have been drilling for water. Looking at the costs and benefits of having such a concentration of farms, he said, the costs seem to far outweigh the benefits, while a small group of dairy owners are profiting.
“To me, the benefit of all these farms here is cheap dairy products and cheap meat. But at what cost?” he said. “Even if somehow we get them to stop or slow down, more than likely the water table will never come back up.”
The Wilsons continued to haul water through the summer and fall.
Paying to drill another well seemed fraught with pitfalls. On top of the cost, they were concerned there was no guarantee it would work.
“Even if I could borrow the money to drill a well, how do I know I'm going to hit water?” Richard Wilson said. “If I go 600 feet and I'm bone dry, I'm broke.”
The dry well became the family’s biggest financial dilemma.
“I don't know how is the right way — to try to borrow money? Drill a well? Buy two more big tanks? Buy a tanker truck, haul my own water in? I mean, I really haven't figured it out yet which way to go," Wilson said. “It's a crisis.”
He thought the lack of a working well could affect the property value.
As for the family’s finances, he said, “we're tapped out.”
But in mid-November, the family had a stroke of luck. Wilson had been doing mechanic work, repairing a tractor for a man who owns a well-drilling rig. The man told Wilson he had heard his well was dry, and he offered to come look at it.
When he stopped by the house, he told Wilson he could drill another well for about $8,000.
Wilson said he would have to wait a while to save up. But when the driller returned later to put in a well for a neighbor, he offered to come drill for the Wilsons, too.
The driller dug a 600-foot well, hitting water about 500 feet underground.
Wilson paid another specialist $2,000 to reinstall the pump and connect the new well to the house.
Their faucets started flowing again.
The driller asked Wilson to pay the $8,000 bill for the well when he can.
“I've just got to pay him whenever I get it," he said. “He just did me a favor.”
Environmental coverage on and in The Arizona Republic is supported by a grant from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. Follow The Republic environmental reporting team at and @azcenvironment on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.