To "celebrate" a wedding, a procession of cars stopped in the middle of the Trémie des Almohades in Casablanca, on the evening of Saturday August 13 to Sunday August 14, lighting smoke bombs and creating a "chaotic" situation which could have cost them their lives, as well as other motorists for that matter.A video received by Hespress Fr thus shows "irresponsible" behavior which caused damage to the equipment installed in the hopper, which opened nearly a year ago, and to traffic, not to mention the risk of accidents. that could have caused.Requested by Hespress Fr, Casa Aménagement, which is the contracting authority for the Trémie des Almohades, told us that this type of "incident" has been recorded several times recently, noting that the smoke bombs that were lit at the middle of the tunnel could have triggered the fire detection system, and the whole process that goes with it.After the recording of this incident by the surveillance cameras installed throughout the Almohades tunnel, the National Security went online by identifying the offenders to verbalize them, says Casa Aménagement.Built on a length of 2.2 km, including 1.8 km underground, the Almohades hopper in Casablanca saw its construction work launched in 2017, before being opened to the public on June 26, 2021, in the presence of senior city officials.With traffic amounting to some 45,000 vehicles per day, the Almohades hopper has significantly and effectively relieved traffic congestion in all the intersections located along the Almohades, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah and Zaid boulevards. or Hmed, leading to the Avenue des FAR after the Zelaqa crossroads.At the start of its commissioning, the Almohades hopper was closed between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. due to the night curfew and the state of health emergency.But with the resumption of traffic and normal life, the authorities have decided to cancel this measure, says Casa Aménagement, which said it did not expect such incidents.Subscribe to receive the latest newsConditions of publication: Comments must not be of a defamatory or denigrating nature with regard to the author, persons, sacredness, religions or God.They must also not contain insults or statements inciting hatred and discrimination.