TDOT roadwork projects for the upcoming week | Local News |

2022-09-09 23:09:15 By : Ms. Ruth Ying

Work continues on roads across the Tennessee Valley as crews and contractors for the Tennessee Department of Transportation work to repair and improve the roads for drivers.

Here are the TDOT projects to look out for this coming week:

HAMILTON COUNTY I-24 interchange improvement at SR-2 (US-11, US-41, US-72, Broad Street) and SR-58 (Market Street): Williams Street is closed to all traffic at the I-24 underpass to support the installation of new storm drainage structures for the new frontage road. Traffic will still be able to access the ramps to I-24 and US-27, but no through traffic will be allowed on Williams Street between West 21st Street and West 25th Street. Traffic will detour around the closure via West 21st Street and Broad Street. Signs will be posted. The contractor will be working on new bridge construction, storm drainage structures, and utility relocation. Chestnut Street is closed at the I-24 underpass and will remain closed until the construction of bridge #2 is complete. Detour routes are posted. The US-27 NB on-ramp at William St. has been closed and it will be closed until the new alignment for this ramp is completed. There will be marked detour signs to use the Broad St. US-27 on-ramp. During this reporting period, there will be one lane closed on Market St from 9 AM-3 PM. Also, on during this reporting period, there will be lanes closed in both directions on Broad ST from 9 AM-3 PM so that the contractor can work on the median on Broad St. On Thursday night, the contractor will close one lane on I24 West from MM 177-179 from 9 PM-6 AM and the contractor will close one lane on I24 East from MM177-179 from 9 PM till 10 AM to pour the footer for an Overhead Sign on I24. Also, during this reporting period, the contractor will be temporarily closing the shoulder on I24 Eastbound from MM 176-178. Monday through Wednesday night from 9 PM-6 AM the contractor will have one lane closed on I24 East from MM177-179.

HAMILTON COUNTY I-24 TDOT Bridge Inspection both directions from MM 178.0 to MM 182.0: On Thursday, 09/08/22 and Monday, 09/12/22 through Thursday, 09/15/22, a mobile right shoulder closure operation utilizing an attenuator truck will take place in order to perform structure inspections. Work will take place from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM.

HAMILTON COUNTY I-75 concrete repair from MM 6.6 to MM 12.8: During this reporting period, the contractor will be having lane closures in both the Northbound and Southbound directions on I-75 from 9 PM-6 AM. During these lane closures, the contractor might have to temporary close some of the ramps so that they can work on the ramp.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-153 resurfacing from LM 3.5 to LM 3.7, including bridge expansion joint repair on the railroad overpass bridge (LM 3.6); SR-2 resurfacing on (US-11, US-64) from the NB interstate ramps (LM 20.6) to the Bradley County line (LM 24.4): During this reporting period, the contractor will be performing resurfacing operations between 7 PM and 6 AM. The traveling public is encouraged to be aware of safety personnel and construction vehicles entering and exiting the jobsite.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-17 resurfacing from the Georgia state line (LM 0.0) to SR-2 (US-11, US-64, US-72) (LM2.2): Starting during this reporting period, the contractor will have intermittent lane closures as they start working on this project.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-2 (BROAD ST.) Utility Work southbound from LM 7 to LM 7.16: Shoulder and single lane closures from W. 26th Street and W 21st Street. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, flaggers, and cones will be present, 09/14/22 through 09/16/22 from 9 am – 3 pm with a rain date of 09/19/22.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-2 (CUMMINGS HWY.) Utility Work eastbound from LM 0 to LM 0.65: Shoulder and single lane closures from Nicholas Road to Kelly Ferry Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, flaggers, and cones will be present, 09/14/22 through 09/15/22 from 9 am – 2 pm with a rain date of 09/19/22.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-29 (US-27) slide repair between LM 29 and LM 30: During this reporting period, TDOT Maintenance and contract forces will have traffic reduced to one lane in each direction on US-27 (SR-29) to continue work on a new retaining wall and slope stabilization. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-317 (Apison Pike) improvement project from SR-321 (Ooltewah-Ringgold Road) to east of Layton Lane: Lane closures and flagging operations will be required on SR-317, Apison Pike, to install power poles and transfer lines. The flagging operations will be performed on 09/08/22, 09/09/22, 09/12/22, 09/13/22, and 09/14/22 from 7 AM to 1 PM and 3 PM to 7 PM. Closures will last about 2 hours per location. The contractor will have intermittent flagging operations during daytime non-peak hours for utility work, delivery of materials and equipment. A portion of Tucker Road has been closed from Spalding Drive to 5400 Tucker Road to allow for grading and utility operations. A portion of Chestnut Creek Road has been shifted to its new alignment to allow for grading and utility operations.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-319 (AMNICOLA HWY.) Utility Work westbound at LM 1.33: Shoulder and west bound turn lane into Chattanooga State closures. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 09/07/22 through 09/09/22 from 9 am – 2 pm, with a rain date of 09/12/22.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-321 (OOLTEWAH-RINGGOLD RD.) Utility Work both directions from LM 6.23 to LM 6.26: Shoulder and single lane closures from Church Street to Caddo Lane. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, flaggers, and cones will be present, 09/12/22 through 09/13/22 from 9 am – 3 pm with a rain date of 09/14/22.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-58 slide repair near LM 17: During this reporting period, the contractor will have SR58 Northbound lane at LM 17 down to 1 lane during the duration of the project as the contractor starts working on the project.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-8 (RINGGOLD RD.) Utility Work eastbound from LM 1.29 to LM .8: Mobile shoulder and lane closures on Ringgold Road as crews transition work zones between Mack Smith Road and Camp Jordan Parkway. This will also impact the Northbound and Southbound on ramps to I-75. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 09/13/22 through 09/21/22 from 9am - 2pm.

HAMILTON COUNTY SR-8 (TAFT HWY.) Utility Work northbound from LM 19.14 to LM 19.94: Mobile shoulder and single lane closures from Fairmount Pike to Miles Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 09/12/22 through 09/15/22 from 9 am – 2 pm.

HAMILTON COUNTY The construction of an S.I.A. to VW: The contractor will be performing operations at the intersection connecting the S.I.A. route, Ferdinand Piech Way, & Volkswagen Dr. The new 4-way signalized intersection has begun operation & traffic has been shifted to the new alignment. Ferdinand Piech Way will still be closed to through traffic. Traveling public should be cautious of the new traffic pattern in effect including a lowered speed limit. The traveling public should also be alert to the entrance and exit of construction vehicles & staff on and around the jobsite and the connecting roadways. Flaggers may be onsite directing traffic.

BLEDSOE COUNTY SR-28 (US-HWY. 127) Utility Work southbound from LM 0.01 to LM 9.3: Mobile lane closures along SR-28 between the intersection of US-127 and Kelly lane and the intersection of US-127 and Old Union Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 06/16/22 through 09/30/22 from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm.

BLEDSOE AND RHEA COUNTY SR-443 from SR-30 (LM 0) to near New Harmony Rd (LM 3.9) and in Rhea from the county line (LM 0) to SR-30 (LM 6.8): During the daytime the contractor will be resurfacing and performing safety improvements at two locations on SR-443 in Bledsoe and Rhea Counties. The SR-443 Bledsoe County location will be from SR-30 (LM 0.00) to Near New Harmony Rd (LM 3.93). The SR-443 Rhea County location will be from the Bledsoe County Line (LM 0.00) to SR-30 (LM 6.87). Traffic will be reduced to one lane controlled by flaggers at each location. Please use caution when driving through the work zones.

BRADLEY COUNTY I-75 resurfacing from north of SR-311 (US-74 / MM 21) to north of SR-60 (MM 25.5): During this reporting period, the contractor will have lane closures nightly from 7 PM to 6 AM in both directions on I-75 to support resurfacing operations. The speed limit will be reduced to 60 mph while workers are present. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone.

BRADLEY COUNTY SR-2 (US-11) resurfacing from Old Highway 11(LM 18.2) to near the Hiwassee River (LM 20.9): During this reporting period, the contractor will have lane closures on SR-2 (US-11) to work on curb ramp installation. Shoulders and sidewalks will also be closed through Charleston for curb ramp upgrades. Motorists are asked to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

BRADLEY COUNTY SR-312 (HARRISON PK.) TDOT Maintenance both directions from LM 3.1 to LM 3.2: During this reporting period, TDOT maintenance forces may have temporary lane closures on SR-312 between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM to continue repair work on a storm drainpipe. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

BRADLEY COUNTY SR-60 widening from the 4-lane north of I-75 (LM 17.2) to SR-306 (LM19.9): During this reporting period, the contractor will be performing earthmoving operations, utility relocation and storm drainage installation. Crews will also be working on foundations for a new bridge over Candies Creek. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone, watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control and for trucks entering/leaving the highway. Speed limit through work zone will be reduced from 45 MPH to 35 MPH.

BRADLEY AND HAMILTON COUNTY SR-312 microsurfacing from the Hamilton County line (LM 0) to west of White Oak Road (LM 4.8), and SR-312 microsurfacing from east of SR-58 (LM 14.3) to the Bradley County line (LM 17.7): Starting this reporting period, there will be intermittent lane closures on SR312 as the contractor starts this project. The contractor will first install signs on Thursday and Friday of this week and will have temporary lane closures as they do this and then starting Monday September 12th the contractor will have lane closures on SR312 as they work.

COFFEE COUNTY SR-127 bridge construction over Bradley Creek (LM 4.7): Construction work on this project continues this week. SR-127 at MM 4.66 will be closed until 09/30/2022 to support bridge construction work over Bradley Creek. A detour route will be provided via Prairie Plains Road and Miller Crossroads Road during construction work, signs and message boards are in place to show the detour route. Motorists should be alert to the new traffic pattern and encouraged to use caution and be alert to construction personnel and equipment

COFFEE COUNTY SR-2 (US-41) repair of bridge over Blue Spring Creek (LM 21.0): Construction work on this project will continue. The roadway will be reduced to one lane and control by a traffic signal. One lane will be open to traffic with the restriction of all wide loads, the maximum lane width is 12’. Motorists should be alert to a new traffic pattern and encouraged to use caution and be alert to construction personnel and equipment.

GRUNDY COUNTY SR-150 (US-41) resurfacing from the Marion County line (LM 0) to SR-56 (LM 3.1): Construction work on this project continues this week. The contractor will perform concrete work on the ADA ramps. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

GRUNDY COUNTY SR-399 (BAKERTOWN RD.) Utility Work both directions from LM 0 to LM 4.61: Mobile lane closures from the intersection of SR-108 and SR-399 to the Sequatchie / Grundy County Line (near Lovell Road). Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 09/08/22 through 09/22/22 from 9 am – 3 pm. [2021-596]

MARION COUNTY I-24 (US-64) rockfall mitigation westbound between MM 136.2 and MM 140.3: The contractor will be working on I-24 WB at MM 141 – 140, MM 139.0 – 137.0, and MM 136.0 – 135.0 to perform rockfall mitigation activities. Travel lanes at all the sites have been shifted and are open to traffic. Please use caution when traveling through the work zones.

MARION COUNTY I-24 resurfacing from west of Martin Springs Road Exit (MM 141) to east of Big Fiery Gizzard Creek (MM 146): The contractor will continue resurfacing operations on I-24 from MM 140.8 (West of the Martin Springs Rd exit) to MM 146.0 (East of Fiery Gizzard Creek) Sunday through Friday from 7 PM - 6 AM each night. Work will occur in both directions and will close down one lane at a time. Tennessee Highway Patrol and a truck mounted attenuator w/ message board will be on site each night.

MARION COUNTY I-24 TDOT Bridge Inspection eastbound from MM 160.3 to MM 160.4: Routine inspections of the eastbound I-24 bridges over the Tennessee River (MM 160.4) will be conducted on Monday, September 12th, from 9AM-3PM. Special equipment needed to access portions of the bridge will require temporary lane closures of the righthand lane and shoulder. Motorists are encouraged to use caution through the work zone and be aware of message boards, signs, cones, personnel, and equipment.

MARION COUNTY SR-156 (STATE HWY. 156) TDOT Bridge Inspection southbound at LM 15.19: Routine inspections of the SR-156 bridge over the Tennessee River (LM 15.19) will be conducted on Tuesday, September 13th, from 12AM-3PM. Special equipment needed to access portions of the bridge will require temporary lane closures of the righthand lane and shoulder. Motorists are encouraged to use caution through the work zone and be aware of message boards, signs, cones, personnel, and equipment.

MARION COUNTY SR-2 (US-HWY. 41) TDOT Bridge Inspection both directions at LM 21.14: Routine inspections of the SR-2 bridge over the Tennessee River (LM 21.14) will be conducted on Tuesday, September 13th, from 9AM-11AM. Special equipment needed to access portions of the bridge will require temporary lane closures of the righthand lane and shoulder. Motorists are encouraged to use caution through the work zone and be aware of message boards, signs, cones, personnel, and equipment.

MARION COUNTY SR-27 between LM 26.9 and LM 27.9 slide repair and bridge and retaining wall construction: The contractor will be working on SR-27 (Suck Creek Road) at LM 26.9 and LM 27.9 to construct a new bridge and repair a slide. Both work zones, at LM 26.9 and LM 27.9, have the travel lanes reduced to one lane controlled by temporary traffic lights. Please use caution when traveling through each work zone.

MCMINN COUNTY SR-2 (CONGRESS PKWY.) Utility Work westbound from LM 12.93 to LM 12.1: Mobile shoulder closure along SR-2 between the intersection of Congress Pkwy and Dennis Street and the intersection of Congress Pkwy and Rocky Mount Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 08/15/22 through 04/12/23 from 7:30 am – 5:00 pm.

MCMINN COUNTY SR-39 (W. MADISON AVE.) Utility Work both directions from LM 8.35 to LM 8.24: Shoulder and single lane closures from Dogwood Drive to Fairview Avenue. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, flaggers, and cones will be present, 09/14/22 through 09/15/22 from 9 am – 2 pm.

MEIGS COUNTY SR-58 resurfacing from east of the Hiwassee River (LM 5.8) to east of Roberts Road (LM 15.3): During this report period, the contractor will have intermittent lane closures while performing resurfacing operations. Flaggers will be on-site to assist traffic flow. The traveling public should be aware of construction vehicles entering and exiting the work-zone.

POLK COUNTY SR-40 (US-64) bridge over the Ocoee River: During this reporting period, the contractor will have lane shifts and temporary lane closures in place from 8 AM to 5:30 PM to perform final cleanup and punch list operations. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone.

SEQUATCHIE COUNTY SR-28 (US-127) Utility Work southbound from LM 9.31 to LM 11.16: Mobile lane closures along SR-28 between the intersection of US-127 and Kelly lane and the intersection of US-127 and Old Union Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 06/16/22 through 09/30/22 from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm.

VANBUREN COUNTY The repair of the bridge on Park Road over Fall Creek Falls Dam Overflow: The contractor will be repairing the Fall Creek Falls Dam Overflow bridge. The travel lanes over the bridge have been reduced to one lane controlled by temporary traffic signals. Please use caution when traveling through the work zone.

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