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the city of Bucharest.Respondents most skeptical of self-driving cars are between the ages of 31 and 40 and have 1-5 years of driving experience."The feeling of safety in traffic is a subject that constantly comes to the attention of Romanians due to the high number of victims in car accidents.For example, last year 1779 deaths from this cause were reported.In Romania, statistics show over 90 deaths per million inhabitants due to car accidents.The average for Western European countries is about 50 deaths per million inhabitants.The introduction of a new variable in the road traffic ecosystem in Romania in the form of autonomous cars is a factor that arouses concern among approximately one third of drivers and hope among others.Approximately two-thirds of drivers believe that autonomous cars will drive more regularly (without harassing, exceeding the speed limit or parking in inappropriate places) than current road users.Respondents' opinion of self-driving cars is, however, one outside of real-world experience, as this type of car is largely still in testing."Dr. Alexandru Zodieru – General Manager of Cult Research.Willingness to travel in an autonomous vehicleJust over half of the respondents registered in the CultIO online panel say they are willing to travel in an autonomous vehicle as a passenger, and 44% reject the idea of traveling in such a vehicle.The advantages and disadvantages of electric cars from the perspective of RomaniansThe car market was affected by the semiconductor crisis which led to long delivery times for new cars.However, the data of the Driving License and Vehicle Registration Regime Directorate (DRPCIV) regarding car registrations in the first six months of 2022, taken over by the Association of Automobile Manufacturers in Romania (ACAROM), show that the first semester of 2022 ended with a increase of the new car market by 23.09% to 58,712 units compared to the same period last year.This increase could be affected by the transition to the Euro 7 pollution standard which will generate an increase in the price of a new car by up to €3,000-5,000.Motorization preferences of the future vehicle purchasedWhen it comes to purchasing a vehicle, nearly half (40%) of CultIO online panel respondents are considering purchasing a hybrid vehicle.In second place in the top of motorization preferences is the fully electric one with 19%, followed by the diesel one with 16%.The least considered motorization is the one based on hydrogen, with only 3% of respondents targeting this type of propulsion for the future vehicle.Such a large number of study participants who want a hybrid engine can be explained by the similar advantages to those of an electric vehicle both in terms of features and partly in terms of fuel economy, but also in terms of tax reduction, all at a price lower than that of fully electric vehicles.A relevant part of the respondents perceives the importance of an ecological approach to road transport.This trend can be motivated by each individual's own initiative or the constraint of the global natural context that seems to give us the understanding that the start of a healthy interaction with nature can no longer be delayed.However, the relatively high prices of electric cars, the individual's fear of change, mistrust of technology, plus the apparently reduced autonomy are factors that lead to the postponement of a final decision in the purchase of an electric car.On closer inspection, in the medium and long term the costs of using an electric car can be much lower than those of a combustion car.Dr. Alexandru Zodieru – General Manager of Cult Research.Cult Research is a Romanian market research company established 13 years ago.The agency aims to provide consulting solutions through agile research helping companies, institutions and non-governmental organizations (including international) to increase their performance by always adapting according to the needs of the consumer.The services offered are addressed to the most varied fields: agribusiness, banking, automotive, communication, public administration, FMCG, retail, etc.To connect with consumers from various backgrounds, we use the latest research technologies: online communities (MROC), online consumer panels, remote call center, online video focus groups, agile & instant surveys.Cult Research wishes to contribute to the smooth functioning of society by providing analysis and information on various topics of national interest.We use our expertise to provide information that can contribute to achieving the changes that Romanians want.Thus we participate in shaping a society in which the quality of life is constantly improved.BREAKING Salman Rushdie was stabbed in the neck while on stage in New York (video) / Attacker detained / Writer alive and hospitalizedNote.The Cult Research study was conducted online, through the CultIO panel, nationwide on a sample of 702 adult driver's license holders.The study on electric vehicles aimed to identify: the proportion of Romanians who consider autonomous vehicles safe in traffic for the rest of the participants, the desire to be a passenger in an autonomous vehicle, the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars and the preference for the type of engine when purchasing a new one car.Disclaimer: G4Media has never solicited or received government funding directly or in the form of information campaigns.This is disguised state aid that distorts the media market and is unacceptable.Also, G4Media does not accept money from political parties outside of election campaigns.Election advertising marked as such is normal during elections.How often do you want to be notified: Choose: Daily WeeklyI agree to the terms of this siteAdiCA How would it come in a country where the vast average of cars is 14 years old, full of "premium" German boilers - absolutely new at not even 350,000 kn and at most 3-4,000 euros, SUDDENLY Romanians want to buy cars of 30-40,000 Euros.You make me laugh out loud!!!!It doesn't say anywhere that they want new hybrids.And there are many new hybrids under 30k tooarticle paid to lobby for electric and connected boilers, which do not catch on in the market.I know, I'm poor and I can't afford a boiler like that.What do you do with an electric car older than 10 years?Who can afford to change batteries that cost 3/4 of the purchase price?I throw the battery at the solar panels and buy another one, in 10 years I save 90% of the cost of gasoline.Not to mention that you no longer change pads, discs, oil/gasoline filters and other inventions.Do you have a suggestion to upload it for free?Some wires or something or you walked to the meterwhat is the current today?gasoline took 50%, electricity 300% a little.every economy went to save on the overhaul, but the electric motor also goes completely at a given, on a long journey, you don't even get better than a hybrid petrol, taking into account how much the fuel costs.don't forget that some electric cars also caught fire, especially the Tesla.I also read the article where it is said that you can connect them to the photovoltaic system, but the reality and their efficiency is different.At the moment, 40k+ investments in an electric car are not justified for me.With 25k I get a 2019 ice creamWhat does hybrid mean?In theory, it would be a car with 2 independent propulsion systems.The hybrid trick is something like this: instead of the 2 propulsion systems being independent, everything depends on the battery which has a chip and when it fails it costs a lot because you only have to buy it from the company that made the car, which gives it at an overpriced price.If you don't buy it, the thermal engine won't work anymore.When someone comes with pertinent arguments against the G4 hybrid and electric cars, the media does not publish them. Normally, if they have collected money to promote them© 2003 - 2022 - All rights reserved This site uses cookies.Website hosted by Presslabs.