Closure of Excelsior Boulevard in Hopkins
On Monday, October 25, both directions of Excelsior Boulevard will be closed at the Jackson Street and Milwaukee Avenue intersection for approximately 10 days. Jackson Street and Milwaukee Avenue will be restricted to right turns only. Crews will dismantle and remove bridge construction equipment, having completed that portion of the LRT bridge structure. After this work is complete Excelsior Boulevard will reopen to traffic in both directions. See Hopkins detour maps
Crews install crossover tracks on the Prairie Center Drive Bridge as LRT enters the SouthWest Station. Crossover tracks allow light rail vehicles to move to the other track for maintenance or return trips.
Visit our website for more details and visuals of construction activities in Eden Prairie.
Visit our website for more details and visuals of construction activities in Minnetonka.
Visit our website for more details and visuals of construction activities in Hopkins.
Visit our website for more details and visuals of construction activities in St. Louis Park.
Visit our website for more details and visuals of construction activities in Minneapolis.
Trail Detours: Minnesota River Bluffs, South Cedar Lake Parkway, Kenilworth, Cedar Lake Trail
Eden Prairie Sidewalk and Roadway Detours: Southwest Station, I-494 Ramps at Flying Cloud Drive, Upcoming Flying Cloud near West 70th
Minnetonka Roadway Detours: Opus area: Yellow Circle, Red Circle, Smetana Road
Hopkins Detours: Excelsior Blvd & Jackson Avenue
Minneapolis Roadway Detours: Glenwood Avenue, Royalston Avenue
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