Simex recently invited its North American distributions to its headquarters in Italy to see the latest innovations from the attachment manufacturer.
A delegation of North American distributors came to the Simex production facilities in San Giovanni in Persiceto outside the Northern Italian city of Bologna. The visit to the production facility in Bologna marked the next step in the company’s plan to more effectively penetrate North America.
During the visit, Simex’s range of TF cutter heads, VSE screening buckets, PV vibrating plate compactors and PLC road planer with conveyor belt drew interest from the Canadian and American dealers.
“Simex attachments have already given proof of their terrific reliability and productivity on our market, and I see great possibilities for further development,” said Ben Rapple, CEO of BR Attachments and leader of the delegation.
While large mobile screeners have unquestionable advantages in terms of operation and productivity, they require a substantial investment and do not always suit the operating conditions. Since screening buckets were introduced, many users have opted for this attachment coupled to an excavator as a solution.
The first screening buckets on the market had their limits, especially when it came to changing the size of the screened material: either they didn’t permit the change or the replacement of the screening systems involved long downtimes, intense labour, and the use of many specific tools.
When the procedure is performed outdoors, the size change can be especially difficult, and cause inconvenience to the workers, and unavoidably result in a decrease in productivity.
Simex’s current range includes four buckets (VSE 10, VSE 20, VSE 30 and VSE 40) intended for 8 to 45 ton excavators with load capacities ranging from 0.4 to 1.80 cubic metres. The Simex patent allows a rapid size adjustment of the material to be screened in only a few seconds via controls in the operator cab.
The VSE range also offers improved production due to the rhomboid-shaped elements, with disks in varying diameters, which compose the shafts. This specific shape of the tools produces an intense whirling of the material to be screened.
To further boost performance, Simex also offers specially designed tools for different applications, including stone as well as recycled and organic materials, making the attachment ideal for non-demolition related applications, such as landscaping and waste treatment.
Cutter heads are effective for excavation jobs where hydraulic breakers and explosives may fracture the rock mass. T
hese attachments deliver impressive results even when working with materials of sedimentary origin that have considerable compactness and hardness, provided the teeth exert an effective cutting action.
The range of Simex cutter heads now includes 10 models. The drums are not activated by a mechanical drive system and can maximize the power of the hydraulic motor.
Simex cutter heads also come with mechanical seals on the drums to ensure the maximum dust sealing when the attachment works fully immersed into the ground and thus avoid foreign objects from getting inside.
The new PLC road planer can operate with skid loaders and is ideal when the job calls for small-scale milling, for instance when repairing potholes, working on sidewalks or removing the wearing course for trench excavation.
The Simex PLC self-levelling planers can clean a milled canal and deposit the extracted material to the right or left side. Also, thanks to the self-levelling system, milling depth is constant in any condition. The self-levelling planers are indispensable to optimize recovery of milled material, either for reuse on site or for transporting elsewhere.
Simex continues to invest in research and development not only to provide effective responses to users, but also to serve other purposes, according to Simex CEO Mirco Risi.
“Also in view of our expansion into the North American market we are structuring to be able to fill orders faster,” Risi said.
“This is a needed step due to two factors: on one hand, we are subject to longer delivery times by our suppliers, especially hydraulic component makers; on the other, the market conditions of users have them placing orders for attachments only after being certain to have gotten the job.”
To improve delivery, Simex is building a new 7,000 square metre warehouse with high storage capacity. The new structure is expected to be operational in early 2020.