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2022-05-14 08:13:45 By : Ms. li Chen

Published on 2022-05-13 at 06:00It was last March: the municipal council took note of the decision of the municipal college to launch a public market for the repair of the road hopper between rue Lucien Defays and rue du Marteau.The site should start on Monday, say our colleagues from Sudpresse. First, it will be a question of cleaning it, checking if the pumps are functional and repairing them if they are not. renovated by scraping and laying tarmac.The hopper will also be made one-way in the direction of the exit from the center towards Boulevard des Gérarchamps.The cost of the operation is estimated at nearly 100,000 euros and the site could be finished by June.Copyright © Editions de L'Avenir Presse SRL |This site is protected by copyright