Police Blotter: Woman Thinks Her Ex Busted Her Windshield; 2 Ladies Get $433 Worth Of Service Done On Their Nails And Skip Out On Paying - Chattanoogan.com

2022-08-26 23:00:22 By : Ms. Chirs Liu

A woman on N. Natchez Road told police she found her 2022 Hyundai Accent windshield damaged. She said that at around midnight someone came to her apartment, destroyed the windshield, and fled without being seen. She believes it was her ex-boyfriend, since he has destroyed her property before. Police talked to both neighbors who live directly in front of where her car was parked and they didn't see or hear anything.

A man on Campbell Street told police that when he returned home that morning, he found that someone had thrown a rock through one of his bedroom windows. There is no suspect information.

A woman told police she made a purchase of $23.08 from the Murphy gas station at 310 Greenway View Dr.  She said $10 of the $23.08 was for gas. She said she then went to pump gas and the machine would not pump. She presented the problem to a cashier. The cashier then told her that the $10 purchase was never active. Police checked the woman's Cash app, which showed that she made a purchase of $23.08 at 2:18 p.m. However, the cashier said that the purchase was made at 1:18 p.m., one hour earlier. The woman said that she would contact their corporate office and would just pump gas at another store.

While clearing vagrants from abandoned houses on Peerless Avenue, police located two shell casings on the living room floor of one of the houses. Police located one .40 caliber casing and one .380 casing. The casings were turned in to Property.

Police observed a white Mercedes sedan abandoned on the side of the N. Germantown Road. The tag and VIN of the vehicle did not come back as stolen. Police were about to have the vehicle towed due to the fact that it was partially in the roadway, but the owner arrived and was able move it.

An anonymous person told police they found a cellphone with a charger and several receipts on the ground in front of New Horizon Baptist Church, 2007 E. 27th St. Police were unable to connect the cellphone to any existing reported incidents. The cellphone was taken to Property.

A man on Standifer Gap Road told police he ordered pizza on the Domino's App around 11:30 p.m. He said he received a call the next day from a Domino's employee who told him Domino's needed his credit card information. He said he provided his Discover credit card information. He said after he got off the phone, he saw that the charge did go through on the day before and then there were several unauthorized $1 temporary hold charges to his Discover card at Google, Square Inc. and PayPal.

Police noticed a suspicious vehicle backed into a parking spot at Dogwood Manor, 959 Gateway Ave. This vehicle was a silver Kia Forte with TN tag. Upon further investigation, the car was found to be stolen out of Collegedale. Police proceeded to verify through NCIC, have it removed as stolen and, due to negative contact with the owner, towed by United Transport off of Rossville Boulevard. There were no keys with the vehicle and it was locked.

A caller told police a man was in a community park on Union Avenue and needed help. The man was having some issues getting cleaned up and getting help. The man asked if police could transport him to the mission on N. Holtzclaw. Police transported him and dropped him off at the mission.

A woman on Kemp Drive told police that a shirtless black male came to her front door and began knocking on it and appeared to act irate. The woman wanted the incident documented. The man was not on scene when police arrived and was unable to be located.

A woman on Dixon Street told police she came home that afternoon and found a broken glass bottle in her driveway. She told police that has been going on for about three months. She said she will install a security camera, and hoped to catch the suspect.

A suspicious woman was reported behind a building on Lee Highway, drying her clothes using an AC vent. Police ran the woman through NCIC with no return. Police trespassed the woman and she left the scene.

A woman told police her vehicle was keyed while in the parking lot at Hamilton Place Mall. Officers watched video showing a white male walking around the vehicle scrapping his hand around the passenger side of the vehicle. The man is unknown.

An employee at a nail salon at  2200 Hamilton Place Blvd. told police a white female and black female got their nails done and then ran out on the bill. The two failed to pay $433 for the services they received.

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