NTT Police Reveals Rp 12 Billion Online Gambling Case -

2022-09-09 23:08:37 By : Ms. Tracy Gu

"The NTT Police through the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) managed to uncover online gambling cases in the jurisdiction of the NTT Police"KUPANG, TELISIK.ID - The NTT Police through the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the NTT Police succeeded in uncovering an online gambling case in the jurisdiction of the NTT Police, Thursday (1/9/2022).NTT Police Chief Inspector General Pol.Drs.Setyo Budiyanto, SHMH accompanied by Dirreskrimsus Polda NTT Kombes Pol.Mochammad Yoris Maulana Yusuf Marzuki, SIK and Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Kombes Pol.Ariasandy said that today Thursday (1/9/2022), his party has taken legal action against online gambling perpetrators in the jurisdiction of the NTT Police.According to him, there are seven people who have been named as suspects along with evidence in the form of seven units of cellphones used to access and play online gambling.In addition, there were seven Sim Cards, seven ATM cards and six account books for the suspect."This is a concrete manifestation of the NTT Police's zero tolerance for gambling crimes, both conventional and online," said the NTT Police Chief.Also Read: Playing Online Gambling, Three Kendari Residents Arrested by PoliceFurthermore, he said, from the results of the patrol, his party got the identity of what is suspected to be an online gambling bookie with the initials BSY whose status is still in the process of being investigated.After conducting a two-day search, from August 29 to 30, 2022, the Ditreskrimsus Polda NTT took firm action against 13 suspects who were arrested and some evidence had been confiscated from suspects from various areas within the jurisdiction of the NTT Police."Based on the results of the examination, it is indicated that the transaction or circulation of money from online bookies is estimated at more than Rp. 12 billion in a period of every month," said the Kapolda.Until now, the online gambling bookie with the initials BSY is still in the process of being investigated and efforts will be made to arrest the person concerned.Meanwhile, the suspects were detained with an average capital of tens of millions of rupiah.Meanwhile, the Direskrimsus Polda NTT, Mochamad Yoris said that of the 13 people, there were seven people who met the elements, namely SP (34) who played online lottery gambling since 2021 with a capital of Rp. 20 million.The second suspect with the initials KU (26) played Slot Roulette gambling with a capital of IDR 5 million to IDR 6 million.Furthermore, suspect WS (39) played online lottery with a capital of Rp. 3 million.Suspect RD (33) played Roulette Slot with a capital of Rp 2 million.The next suspect with the initials YT (29) played Roulette and online lottery with a capital of Rp. 1 million.Suspect RK (42) has been playing online lottery gambling since 2021 with a capital of IDR 800 thousand and the last suspect with the initials BA (52) playing online lottery gambling with a capital of IDR 300 thousand.Also Read: Considered Slow to Follow Up on Complaints, Residents Are Disappointed in the Performance of the Kemaraya PoliceAccording to the Diresrimsus, the motives carried out by the suspects in the online gambling game were to gain profit."The modus operandi of the suspects is that players create and register an account on the online gambling website "KD". After the player fills in their personal data in the form of a username, password, email, mobile phone number, account number, then verified by the website admin and logging in through the account that has been registered and make a deposit of money into a registered account (allegedly a bookie's account) if the balance is filled, players can play and choose the types of games available on the website," he said.After that the player can make a withdrawal or withdrawal."These seven suspects are charged with Article 27 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions Sub-article 303 in conjunction with Article 303bis of the Criminal Code which reads "Everyone who intentionally and without the right to distribute and/or transmit and/or make accessible information and/or electronic documents containing gambling content as referred to in article 27 paragraph (2) shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of six (6) years and/or a fine of a maximum Rp.1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah).Subsidiary to article 303 of the Criminal Code on Gambling," said the Direskrimsus.(B)Police Discuss Developments in the Case of Alleged Rape of Elementary School Students in Medan CityDied at the age of 96, this is the secret of Queen Elizabeth II's longevityDefendant in North Kolaka Case Dismissed from His PositionThe name of the Candidate for Acting Mayor of Kendari is Open to the Public So There Is No NoiseHouse Fire Victims Receive Konawe Social Service AssistanceThe Manggarai Government Asset Management Task Force at the PUPR ServiceNias Residents Beaten by Ngadu to Police, Village Head Suspected of Intervention in CaseThe Current Recipe for Chicken Seafood Roll and Chicken Egg RollProsecutor Endus Alleged Fictitious Official Travel at DPRD MunaOne House Fire Victim in West Muna Splashes Aid