Pileco Inc. continues to broaden its product offerings and strengthen its position as a complete foundation equipment provider by adding the new BAUER BG-12H Drill Rig to its already expansive line of high quality drill rigs. The exclusive distributor of BAUER products in the western hemisphere, the Houston-based company is the wholly owned subsidiary of BAUER Maschinen GmbH of Schrobenhausen, Germany.
"The BAUER BG-12H strengthens the Pileco line of foundation equipment, which continues to represent the superior German quality and 'made in America' pride that has set Pileco apart since joining forces several years ago. Available in June 2008, the new drill rig has an operating weight of 85,900 lbs and a torque of 92,180 ft lbs. And the BG-12H shares the same 'multi purpose' design built into all BAUER rigs," said Pileco President George Smith.
According to Pileco representatives, the new drill rig is ideally suited for drilled shafts, both cased with the rotary drive and uncased open holes, as well as hollow stem augers (CFA system) - with or without kelly extensions - displacement piles and driven piles with a small hydraulic hammer.
The machine is also easily transported with the kelly bar and drilling tool, arriving at the job site ready to work.
The BG-12H is available with a standard mast, sectional mast and a low overhead option with 23' of headroom. The machine is equipped with a an innovative new chain crowd system, offering low noise, high speed and no loss of stroke when used for single pass drilling methods such as continuous flight auger and full displacement piles. It is also easily adaptable when converted to restricted headroom, low overhead applications. And kelly bar options range from 15 meter (48 feet) to 40 meter (130 foot) drilling depth.
The complete base carrier (upper structure and undercarriage) is designed and built by BAUER and uses undercarriage components that are interchangeable with Caterpillar parts. The machine is powered by a Cummins 205 HP engine. The engine and hydraulic power pack are mounted longitudinal to ensure efficient air flow, low transportation height and width, optimal cooling capacity and reduced noise emission.
With offices in Houston, California and Panama, an expansive product line and service offerings, custom-design fabrication, and large network of dealers, Pileco Inc. simplifies the job of machine operators while meeting industry needs across borders. They offer a quality line of pile driving and drilling equipment and accessories, along with industry expert customer support.
To learn more about the new BG-12H drill rig, complete Pileco product line, custom design fabrication and customer support options that Pileco offers, log onto http://www.pileco.com. Or, call (800) 474-5326. Look for a new website design in the coming months.
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