• The Soilmec SR-65 joins the Blue Tech range - Equipment Journal

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:55:28

    The Soilmec SR-65 is joining the manufacturer’s SR-75 in its Blue Tech range.

    The SR-65 was first introduced in 2018 and became known for its capabilities in drilled shaft work as well as with segmental casing and CFA.

    The Blue Tech version includes a redesigned operator cab

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    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:55:21

    Find out more about our world-changing research

    A team of researchers at Swansea University have been awarded £322,000 to develop digital solutions to reduce concrete construction defects.

    Experts within the Faculty of Science and Engineering are working with three leading organis

  • Digital solutions for defects in large-scale | EurekAlert!

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:55:19

    - award to support new research

    A team of researchers at Swansea University have been awarded £322,000 to develop digital solutions to reduce concrete construction defects.

    Experts within the Faculty of Science and Engineering are working

  • Look no further than Wimbledon upheaval, age of flawed geniuses dawning on men’s tennis

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:55:16

    The younger players’ unfamiliarity and inexperience on the surface make Wimbledon a tough prospect. (Photo credit: AP)

    Wimbledon celebrated 100 years of Centre Court on the first official working Middle Sunday at the Grand Slam. The highlight of the centenary bash was the parade of cha

  • Millennium Tower Fix Test Declared ‘Successful’ – NBC Bay Area

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:54:58

    The designer of the troubled fix of the Millennium Tower on Thursday declared a key first test of a new strategy to limit more sinking and tilting during construction a success, although experts and city officials cautioned the data was preliminary.

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, crews comple

  • Millennium Tower Fix Test Declared ‘Successful’ – NBC Bay Area

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:54:56

    The designer of the troubled fix of the Millennium Tower on Thursday declared a key first test of a new strategy to limit more sinking and tilting during construction a success, although experts and city officials cautioned the data was preliminary.

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, crews comple

  • The big bauma reveal from the Bavarian-based Bauer - Equipment Journal

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:54:41

    When a trade show the size of bauma is in your backyard, it presents the ideal opportunity to present your latest innovations.

    For the Bavarian-based Bauer Maschinen Group, the Munich, Germany-based trade show has been firmly anchored in its calendar for 30 years, as its headquarters are

  • HS2 employs novel piling method for sleek new viaduct

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:54:27

    Piling work has begun on one of HS2’s most spectacular engineering features yet - the low 500-yard, nine-span Wendover Dean Viaduct in Buckinghamshire.

    Keen to promote its environmental-conscious approach, HS2 Ltd has highlighted the novel approach to its construction. 

  • HS2 employs novel piling method for sleek new viaduct

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:54:26

    Piling work has begun on one of HS2’s most spectacular engineering features yet - the low 500-yard, nine-span Wendover Dean Viaduct in Buckinghamshire.

    Keen to promote its environmental-conscious approach, HS2 Ltd has highlighted the novel approach to its construction. 

  • Global Stencil Lithography Market to Expand with Significant

    by admin on 2022-07-15 22:54:02

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