New John Deere Severe-Duty Construction Buckets Lift Productivity on Large-Frame G-Series Machines : CEG

2022-08-19 22:57:42 By : Ms. Candice Lian

Fri December 16, 2016 - National Edition Construction Equipment Guide

Designed to take advantage of the improved performance and boom design of the large-frame 332G skid steer and 333G compact track loader (CTL), John Deere now offers 90-inch Severe-Duty Construction Buckets. Available with a serrated edge or as a tooth bucket, these new additions to the John Deere lineup of Worksite Pro attachments are redefining expectations of what compact equipment can accomplish.

“Customers love our large-frame machines because they are powerful and highly productive, yet compact and easy to transport or trailer,” said Gregg Zupancic, product marketing manager, John Deere Construction & Forestry. “When equipped with a Severe-Duty bucket, productivity is magnified, making these machines capable of doing almost the same amount of work as a larger piece of construction equipment.”

The 90-inch buckets, an industry exclusive, come standard with a serrated edge that's reversible to a smooth side. The serrated side is efficient for cutting a graded surface, loosening hard-to-penetrate materials, such as packed gravel, or breaking up frozen ground. The smooth side cutting edge is more efficient for fine, finish-grade work and back-dragging materials. Bucket teeth are also available as an option. The welded-on teeth drastically increase digging ability and help cut into rocky soil, scoop loose dirt or dig out roots.

With the universal, self-cleaning Quik-Tatch™ easy attachment system found on all John Deere skid steers, CTLs and compact excavators, the machine can easily add and remove the Severe-Duty bucket in no time. The new attachment series is also backed by John Deere parts, service and warranty coverage.

To learn more, visit or contact your local John Deere dealer.

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