Lahontan Drills New "Bonanza" High-Grade Zone at Santa Fe: 25.9m Grading 20.36 gpt Au Incl. 4.6m Grading 112.3 gpt Au

2022-07-15 23:05:42 By : Ms. May Xie

Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSXV:LG) (formerly, 1246765 B.C. Ltd.) (the "Company" or "Lahontan") is pleased to announce drill results from two reverse-circulation rotary ("RC") drill holes exploring the Santa Fe pit area of the Company's 19 km2 Santa Fe Project in Nevada's Walker Lane. The two drill holes, totaling 518.2 metres, were completed in late 2021. These drill holes targeted northwest and down-dip step outs from known gold and silver mineralization along the Santa Fe fault. Highlights include

Kimberly Ann, CEO, President, Director, and Founder of Lahontan Gold Corp commented: "The discovery of yet another high-grade zone along the Santa Fe fault underscores the opportunity for finding additional high-grade zones at the Santa Fe Project. The grades seen in the Bonanza and Big Horn zones are exceptional for a Carlin-style gold deposit. The distribution of high-grade gold and silver mineralization occurs in a "string of pearls" manner, with each "pearl" corresponding to the intersection between the northwest-trending Santa Fe fault and easterly-trending structures. This interpretation generates multiple high-grade targets northwest of the Bonanza zone and can also be applied elsewhere in the district as we search for additional high-grade mineralization. The BH, Big Horn, and Bonanza high-grade zones are open down-dip, down-rake, and the Bonanza zone remains open to the northwest with the high-grade resource potential unconstrained at depth by drilling."

*Notes: Au Eq equals Au (gpt) + (Ag gpt/75). Metallurgical recovery has not been factored as insufficient test-work is available to determine potential Ag recoveries. True thickness of the intercepts shown above are estimated to be 80-90% of the drilled interval. Assays shown above are uncapped.

The upper portion of SF21-014R and -009R both intercepted shallow oxide and transition mineralization expanding the envelope of oxide and transition mineralization in this corner of the pit and produce new targets for further step-out drilling (please see cross section below).

The discovery of a third high-grade zone, with the highest gold grades seen to date at Santa Fe, is a significant development for the Company. Potential future mining of these high-grade zones requires that significant tonnages must be discovered, with three distinct high-grade zones already identified, rock volumes in these zones continue to grow. It should be noted that the high-grade intercepts in SF21-014R are approximately 140 metres below the bottom of the Santa Fe pit and therefore easily accessible (please see cross section below). In the Bonanza high-grade zone, two previous drill holes were drilled above the high-grade zone and missed the target, highlighting the value of "deeper" drilling.

To the northwest, outside of the pit, additional structural targets have been developed, in search of the next high-grade zone along the Santa Fe fault (please see map above). In this area, termed the "Atchison" target, high grade surface rock-chip samples and historic soil sampling highlight another structural intersection between easterly and northwest-trending faults. Drilling of this potential high-grade target is planned for this summer.

Lahontan conducts an industry standard QA/QC program for its core and RC drilling programs. The QA/QC program consisted of the insertion of coarse blanks and Certified Reference Materials (CRM) into the sample stream at random intervals. The targeted rate of insertion was one QA/QC sample for every 16 to 20 samples. Coarse blanks were inserted at a rate of one coarse blank for every 65 samples or approximately 1.5% of the total samples. CRM's were inserted at a rate of one CRM for every 20 samples or approximately 5% of the total samples. The standards utilized include three gold CRM's and one blank CRM that were purchased from Shea Clark Smith Laboratories (MEG) of Reno, Nevada. Expected gold values are 0.188 gpt, 1.107 gpt, 10.188 gpt, and -0.005 gpt, respectively. The coarse blank material comprised of commercially available landscape gravel with an expected gold value of -0.005 gpt.

As part of the RC drilling QA/QC process, duplicate samples were collected of every 20th sample interval at the drill rig to evaluate sampling methodology. Samples were collected from the reject splitter on the drill rig cyclone splitter. Samples were collected at each 95- to 100-foot (28.96 - 30.48m) mark and labeled with a "D" suffix on the sample bag. No duplicates were submitted for core.

All drill samples were sent to American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Sparks, Nevada, USA for analyses. Delivery to the lab was either by a Lahontan Gold employee or by an AAL driver. Analyses for all RC and core samples consisted of Au analysis using 30-gram fire assay with ICP finish, along with a 36-element geochemistry analysis performed on each sample utilizing two acid digestion ICP-AES method. Tellurium analyses were performed on select drill holes utilizing ICP-MS method. Cyanide leach analyses, using a tumble time of 2 hours and analyzed with ICP-AES method, were performed on select drill holes for Au and Ag recovery. AAL inserts their own blanks, standards and conducts duplicate analyses to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. We have all results reported in grams per tonne (gpt).

Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSX.V: LG)is a Canadian mineral exploration company that holds, through its US subsidiaries, three top-tier gold and silver exploration properties in the Walker Lane of mining friendly Nevada. Lahontan's flagship property, the 19 km2 Santa Fe Project, is a past producing gold and silver mine with excellent potential to host significant gold and silver resources (past production of 375,000 ounces of gold and 710,000 ounces of silver between 1988 and 1992; Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1996). Modeling of over 110,000 metres of historic drilling, geologic mapping, and geochemical sampling outline both shallow, oxidized gold and silver mineralization as well as deeper high grade potential resources. The Company is completing an aggressive 25,000 metre drilling program with the goal of publishing a National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant mineral resource estimate in 2022. For more information, please visit our website:

All scientific and technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Quentin J. Browne, P.Geo., Consulting Geologist to Lahontan Gold Corp., who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors Kimberly Ann Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President, and Director


Lahontan Gold Corp. Kimberly Ann Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President, Director

Phone: 1-530-414-4400 Email: Website:

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to delays or uncertainties with regulatory approvals, including that of the TSXV. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

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Lahontan Gold (TSXV: LG has three top tier gold and silver assets in the Walker Lane of Nevada. BTV interviews Director & CEO, Kimberly Ann, to learn more.

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Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSXV:LG) (formerly 1246765 B.C. Ltd.) (the "Company" or "Lahontan") is pleased to announce drill results from the final three core drill holes exploring the Slab-Calvada pit area of the Company's 19 km2 Santa Fe Project in Nevada's Walker Lane. The three drill holes, totaling 552 metres, were completed in late 2021 and targeted down-dip extensions of oxidized gold and silver mineralization along the Calvada fault. Historic drilling in this area outlined significant potential oxide resources. Highlights include

These three drill holes intercepted shallow, oxidized gold and silver mineralization along the Calvada fault zone, an east-west trending structure that links the previously mined Slab and Calvada pits (please see map below). Gold and silver mineralization crops out on the surface and now has been traced down-dip over a vertical range of almost 200 metres; mineralization remains open at depth.

Drill hole CAL2-004C, 107.7 to 108.5m (353.5-356.0 feet); 0.8 metres grading 0.92 gpt Au, 1.3 apt Ag (0.94 gpt Au Eq). Gold and silver mineralization is hosted by brecciated, leached, and oxidized limestone.

Kimberly Ann, CEO, President, Director, and Founder of Lahontan Gold Corp commented: "These drill holes confirm the exciting oxide gold resource potential of the Calvada fault zone. Oxidized mineralization extends to at least 200 metres depth and historic drilling suggests even greater depths of oxidation. As can be seen in the cross sections, the topography of this area is very favorable for a very low strip ratio in potential open pit mining scenarios. With over 1,500 metres of strike length to explore, oxidized gold and silver mineralization along the Calvada fault will be one focus of our 2022 drilling campaign which is expected to begin shortly".

Drill hole location map, Slab-Calvada pit area, Santa Fe Project, Mineral County, Nevada. Core drill holes CAL21-004C, 006C, and 007C are highlighted in green. All 2021 drill results have now been received and reported for this area.

*Notes: Au Eq equals Au (gpt) + (Ag gpt/75). Metallurgical recovery has not been factored as insufficient test-work is available to determine potential Ag recoveries. True thickness of the intercepts shown above are estimated to be 85-95% of the drilled interval.

South-north (left to right, please see map above) cross section through drill holes CAL21-004C and -007C in the Calvada Fault zone, Santa Fe Project, Mineral County, Nevada. The grade shell outlining gold and silver mineralization (shown in pink above) is based upon modeling historic drilling, projected into the line of the cross section, now confirmed by Lahontan drilling.

South-north (left to right, please see map above) cross section through drill hole CAL21-006C in the Calvada Fault zone, Santa Fe Project, Mineral County, Nevada. The grade shell outlining gold and silver mineralization (shown in pink above) is based upon modeling historic drilling, projected into the line of the cross section, confirmed and expanded by Lahontan drilling.

Lahontan conducts an industry standard QA/QC program for its core and RC drilling programs. The QA/QC program consisted of the insertion of coarse blanks and Certified Reference Materials (CRM) into the sample stream at random intervals. The targeted rate of insertion was one QA/QC sample for every 16 to 20 samples. Coarse blanks were inserted at a rate of one coarse blank for every 65 samples or approximately 1.5% of the total samples. CRM's were inserted at a rate of one CRM for every 20 samples or approximately 5% of the total samples.

The standards utilized include three gold CRM's and one blank CRM that were purchased from Shea Clark Smith Laboratories (MEG) of Reno, Nevada. Expected gold values are 0.188 gpt, 1.107 gpt, 10.188 gpt, and -0.005 gpt, respectively. The coarse blank material comprised of commercially available landscape gravel with an expected gold value of -0.005 gpt.

As part of the RC drilling QA/QC process, duplicate samples were collected of every 20th sample interval at the drill rig to evaluate sampling methodology. Samples were collected from the reject splitter on the drill rig cyclone splitter. Samples were collected at each 95- to 100-foot (28.96 - 30.48m) mark and labeled with a "D" suffix on the sample bag. No duplicates were submitted for core.

All drill samples were sent to American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Sparks, Nevada, USA for analyses. Delivery to the lab was either by a Lahontan Gold employee or by an AAL driver. Analyses for all RC and core samples consisted of Au analysis using 30-gram fire assay with ICP finish, along with a 36-element geochemistry analysis performed on each sample utilizing two acid digestion ICP-AES method. Tellurium analyses were performed on select drill holes utilizing ICP-MS method. Cyanide leach analyses, using a tumble time of 2 hours and analyzed with ICP-AES method, were performed on select drill holes for Au and Ag recovery. AAL inserts their own blanks, standards and conducts duplicate analyses to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. We have all results reported in grams per tonne (gpt).

Lahontan Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company that holds, through its US subsidiaries, three top-tier gold and silver exploration properties in the Walker Lane of mining friendly Nevada. Lahontan's flagship property, the 19 km2 Santa Fe Project, is a past producing gold and silver mine with excellent potential to host significant gold and silver resources (past production of 375,000 ounces of gold and 710,000 ounces of silver between 1988 and 1992; Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1996). Modeling of over 110,000 metres of historic drilling, geologic mapping, and geochemical sampling outline both shallow, oxidized gold and silver mineralization as well as deeper high grade potential resources. The Company plans an aggressive 25,000 metre drilling program with the goal of publishing a National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant mineral resource estimate in 2022. For more information, please visit our website:

All scientific and technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Quentin J. Browne, P.Geo., Consulting Geologist to Lahontan Gold Corp., who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors Kimberly Ann Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President, and Director


Lahontan Gold Corp. Kimberly Ann Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President, Director

Phone: 1-530-414-4400 Email: Website:

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to delays or uncertainties with regulatory approvals, including that of the TSXV. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

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Kimberly Ann Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President and Director, Lahontan Gold Corp. (the "Company") (TSXV: LG) and her team joined Tanya Rowntree Global Head of Client Success, Toronto Stock Exchange, to celebrate the Company's new listing on TSX Venture Exchange and close the market.

Lahontan Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company that holds, through its U.S. subsidiaries, three top-tier gold and silver exploration properties in the Walker Lane of mining friendly Nevada .

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News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia

Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSXV:LG) (formerly, 1246765 B.C. Ltd.) (the "Company" or "Lahontan") is pleased to announce that the Company has expanded its land holdings at its flagship Santa Fe Project by staking 22 unpatented lode mining claims. The claims cover potential southern extensions to the high-grade BH Zone as well as surface geochem and hydrothermal alteration anomalies. The claims also cover small gaps between existing land holdings and adjacent claimants. With the new unpatented lode mining claims, Lahontan's Santa Fe project now encompasses over 19 square kilometers in the heart of Nevada's prolific Walker Lane

Kimberly Ann, President & CEO commented: "The Walker Lane of Nevada is an incredibly competitive mining and exploration jurisdiction, and Lahontan wants to be very proactive when the opportunity to acquire new claims is available. A portion of our new claims cover geologic structures which extend southerly from the Santa Fe open pit and the BH Zone. The structures influence the distribution of hydrothermal alteration in outcrop and represent future exploration targets. Our team is gearing up for the resumption of drilling at Santa Fe and it's important to complete these tasks before drilling commences".

Outline of Lahontan's land holdings, exploration targets, and newly acquired claims (green) at the Company's Santa Fe Project, Mineral County, Nevada.

Lahontan Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company that holds, through its US subsidiaries, three top-tier gold and silver exploration properties in the Walker Lane of mining friendly Nevada. Lahontan's flagship property, the 19 km2 Santa Fe Project, is a past producing gold and silver mine with excellent potential to host significant gold and silver resources (past production of 345,000 ounces of gold and 710,000 ounces of silver between 1988 and 1992; Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1996). Modeling of over 110,000 metresof historic drilling, geologic mapping, and geochemical samplingoutline both shallow, oxidizedgold and silvermineralization as well as deeperhigh grade potentialresources. The Company plans an aggressive 25,000 metre drilling program with the goal of publishing a National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant mineral resource estimate in 2022. For more information, please visit our website:

Allscientific and technicalinformation in this press releasehas been reviewedand approved by Quentin J. Browne, P.Geo., Consulting Geologist to Lahontan Gold Corp., who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors Kimberly Ann Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President, and Director

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Lahontan Gold Corp. Kimberly Ann Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President, Director

Phone: 1-530-414-4400 Email: Website:

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release

Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a varietyof risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to delays or uncertainties with regulatory approvals, including that of the TSXV. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. There are no assurances that the commercialization plans for the technology described in this news release will come into effect on the terms or time frame described herein. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

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Aben Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ABN ) (OTC QB : ABNAF ) (Frankfurt: E2L2 ) ("Aben" or "the Company") announces that, further to its news release dated July 11, 2022, it has increased the unit portion of the non-brokered private placement to up to 7,000,000 units of the Company (the "Units") at a price of CAD $0.035 per Unit.

Each Unit will be comprised of one common share and one transferable warrant, entitling the holder to purchase one additional common share for a period of two (2) years at a price of CAD $0.05 per share.

The Company intends to use the proceeds from this private placement for exploration and for general working capital purposes. The private placement is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval, and all securities are subject to a four-month-and-one-day hold period. Finder's fees may be payable in connection with the private placement, all in accordance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange

The Company will not be proceeding on the flow-through portion of the private placement, as previously announced.

Aben holds the exclusive right to earn a 100% interest, less 2% Net Production Royalty ("NPR") in the road-accessible Slocan Graphite Project located 34km northwest of Castlegar, British Columbia. The 2,826 hectare Slocan Graphite Property hosts several flake graphite-bearing outcrops (high values of 3.36 and 4.43 % organic Carbon) at the Tedesco Zone, which is coincident with a strong conductive anomaly identified in 2010 that is interpreted to extend up to 2.0km from the known surficial occurrences.

The Project benefits from excellent infrastructure including forestry road access to the property, high-voltage transmission line within 1.2 km of the property boundaries and an existing graphite processing plant and facilities within 1.5 km west of the property (owned by Eagle Graphite Corporation, one of only two natural flake graphite production facilities in North America).

Initial field work has begun on the Slocan Graphite Project. Field reconnaissance, mapping, rock sampling, and evaluation of prospective drill sites for a potential fall drill program are the focus of this phase of exploration. Aben has sourced a drill contractor and the requisite personnel to facilitate drill-testing of the Slocan Graphite Property pending successful receipt of their Multi Year Area Based exploration permit currently under review by the provincial government.

The Company recently announced that it has added to the Slocan Graphite land package by staking a new 439.4 hectare claim along the northeastern boundary of the property. This action was taken after initial evaluation of the Property by Aben geologists revealed excellent potential for an extension of the mineralized trend in that direction. Aben will continue to systematically explore the Slocan Graphite Property with the aim to unlock the full mineralized potential contained within the current tenure.

Natural flake graphite is the fastest-growing product type and will continue to lead with a healthy growth rate of 9.5% in terms of value between 2021 and 2025.

In value and volume, batteries to exhibit the fastest-growth of 17.9% between 2021 and 2025. An average HEV contains up to 10 kgs of graphite, where in EVs it is up to 70 kgs.

Currently, synthetic graphite is the preferred material for battery anode materials. However, in the past few years, a significant shift towards natural flake graphite has been observed due to its cost-competitiveness and performance.

Graphite is the most preferred battery anode material for rechargeable batteries and the battery segment is anticipated to create an incremental opportunity worth US$4.6 Bn between 2020 and 2025.

In 2019, Asia Pacific was the largest consumer of graphite and is expected to grow 9.1% in terms of value between 2021 and 2025.

China graphite production is anticipated to consolidate owing to environmental issues. New companies are entering into the graphite space, especially in the processing of natural flake graphite. Graphite is considered as a material of green energy and technology.

Aben Resources is a diversified Canadian gold and graphite exploration company with exploration projects in British Columbia, Ontario, and the Yukon Territory.

For further information on Aben Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ABN ), visit our Company's website at www.aben resources. com .

"Jim Pettit" ______________________ JAMES G. PETTIT President & CEO

For further information contact: Aben Resources Ltd. Riley Trimble, Corporate Communications Telephone: 604-416-2978 Toll Free: 800-567-8181 Facsimile: 604-687-3119 Email: info@abenre

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This release includes certain statements that may be deemed to be "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that management of the Company expects, are forward-looking statements. Although management believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements, include market prices, exploration and development successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Please see the public filings of the Company at for further information.

News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia

Puma Exploration Inc. (TSXV: PUMA, OTCQB: PUMXF) (the " Company " or " Puma ") is pleased to announce that the distribution of common shares of Canadian Copper Inc. (" Canadian Copper ") (formerly Melius Metals Corp.) occurred as planned on June 30, 2022.

More particularly, in connection with a reduction of its stated capital in an amount of CAD$1.5M, which is based on the anticipated listing price of CAD$0.25 of Canadian Copper on the Canadian Stock Exchange (the " CSE ") and was approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on March 9, 2022 ( see News Release dated March 10, 2022 ), the Company has:

The final exchange ratio (0.053897) related to the Distribution was defined using the number of Canadian Copper shares to be distributed (6,000,000) divided by the total of Puma's share outstanding after the Record Date (111,322,658).

Following the Distribution, Canadian Copper expects to meet the CSE public distribution requirements and be in a position for final approval for listing on the CSE. Canadian Copper has received conditional approval from the CSE to list its common shares on the CSE under the ticker "CCI", subject to the satisfaction of the public distribution requirements and final approval from the CSE. The listing price of CCI is expected to be CAD$0.25. A date for trading will be determined upon confirmation of the conditions being met by the CSE.

Puma has also received the "Listing" shares certificate for 6,000,000 Canadian Copper shares. The shares are held in escrow and will be delivered over three (3) years until July 12, 2025. Puma's total current Canadian Copper holding of 6,364,095 CCI shares represents 9.58% of Canadian Copper Inc.

As per the Option Agreement, Puma granted Canadian Copper the option to acquire 100% of its Copper Projects in consideration of CAD$3.5M payable by issuing an initial 12M Canadian Copper shares at a deemed value of CAD$0.10. The remaining CAD$2.3M is payable in cash or Canadian Copper shares over 3 years.

ABOUT CANADIAN COPPER INC. Canadian Copper is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company with a copper and base metals portfolio of historical resources and grassroots projects. The Company is focused on the prolific Bathurst Mining Camp (BMC) of New Brunswick, Canada.

For more information, please contact:

Simon Quick, Director and CEO, (905) 220-6661

ABOUT Puma Exploration Puma Exploration is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company with precious metals projects located near the Famous Bathurst Mining Camp (BMC) in New Brunswick, Canada. The Company is committed to its DEAR strategy (Development, Exploration, Acquisition and Royalties) to generate maximum value for shareholders with low share dilution.

Connect with us on Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn

Visit for more information or contact:

Marcel Robillard , President, (418) 750-8510;

Mia Boiridy , Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development, (250) 575-3305;

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements: This press release may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Puma to be materially different from actual future results and achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statements were made, except as required by law. Puma undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties are described in the quarterly and annual reports and in the documents submitted to the securities administration.

News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia

RooGold Inc. ("RooGold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel Cohen to the Company's board of directors, effective July 14, 2022

Daniel Cohen, CFA is presently Chairman and CEO of PharmaDrug Inc (CSE:PHRX), a Canadian

listed biotech company. He is also the Chairman and co-founder of Caprock Mining Corp. (CSE:CAPR), a Canadian listed gold exploration company. Before taking on his role at PharmaDrug, Daniel spent nearly 20 years working in the Canadian capital markets. His most recent role was as Principal and Head of Institutional Sales at Beacon Securities. Prior to his role at Beacon Securities, Mr. Cohen was a partner and Director of Institutional Sales at Wellington West Capital Markets. He began his career in equity research at RBC Capital Markets and HSBC Securities.

"We're excited to welcome Daniel to our team at this time," said Carlos Espinosa, President and CEO of RooGold. "We look forward to his diverse skills, perspectives and expertise contributing to the ongoing success of RooGold."

ROOGOLD is a Canadian based junior venture mineral exploration issuer which is uniquely positioned to be a dominant player in New South Wales, Australia, through a growth strategy focused on the consolidation and exploration of high potential, mineralized precious metals properties in this prolific region of Australia. Through its announced acquisitions of Southern Precious Metals Ltd., RooGold Ltd. and Aussie Precious Metals Corp. properties, RooGold commands a portfolio of 14 high-grade potential gold (10) and silver (4) concessions covering 2,696 km 2 which have 139 historic mines and prospects.

For further information please contact:

Carlos Espinosa, CEO

Ryan Bilodeau (416) 910-1440

This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur.

Although the Issuer believes that the expectations reflected in applicable forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in such statements.


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American Pacific Mining Corp (CSE: USGD OTCQX: USGDF FWB: 1QC) ("American Pacific" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on drilling and report new results from the CSAMT survey conducted at the Tuscarora Project located in Elko County, Nevada.

Approximately 21 drillholes (~4,000 metres) of reverse circulation (" RC ") drilling has been completed to-date and up to five additional holes will be completed in the coming weeks, including multiple holes to test newly defined vein targets generated from the recently completed CSAMT survey. Additional assay results will be released once received and interpreted.

The CSAMT survey was commissioned to identify sub-surface and hidden silica bodies and quartz vein occurrences throughout the previously untested, newly acquired land package. The survey has identified numerous untested vein occurrences, but two anomalies stand out as very strong quartz responses. Neither of these anomalies has been previously drill-tested in these areas.

Figure 1. 2022 Tuscarora CSAMT Survey Lines with Vein Interpretations and Targets

Figure 2. King's Vein Target

Figure 3. Grand Prize and East Pediment Targets

"The King's Vein and the Grand Prize Vein Intersection with the East Pediment Vein system present us with very strong quartz responses. This is exciting from an exploration standpoint since these are the strongest indicators of untested veins within the entire land package. The Grand Prize/East Pediment is covered with a thin gravel veneer and is reminiscent of the South Navajo Vein response, although much stronger," stated American Pacific President Eric Saderholm. "Our drill plans are currently being adjusted to test these strong anomalies which do not have surface expressions. The Grand Prize Vein has yielded up to 21,032 grams per tonne (" g/t ") gold (" Au ") and 38,820 g/t Au from surface samples. The East Pediment Vein returned a 1.52 metre intercept of 52.37 g/t Au in historic drilling and no drilling has been done at East Pediment since 1998."

Technical aspects of this press release have been reviewed and approved by Eric Saderholm, P.Geo., the designated Qualified Persons (QP) under National Instrument 43-101.

About American Pacific Mining Corp.

American Pacific Mining Corp. is a precious metals explorer focused on opportunities in the Western United States. The Company's flagship asset is the high-grade, past-producing Madison Copper-Gold project in Montana, under option to joint venture with Kennecott Exploration Company, a division of the Rio Tinto Group, which the Company acquired in 2020. For this transaction, American Pacific was selected as a finalist in the S&P Global Platts Global Metals Awards, an annual program that recognizes exemplary accomplishments in 16 performance categories, including 'Deal of the Year,' the category in which American Pacific Mining competed. The awards program is hosted by S&P Global Platts, the leading independent provider of information and benchmark prices for the commodities and energy markets. Also in the American Pacific's asset portfolio are the Gooseberry Silver-Gold project and the Tuscarora Gold-Silver project: two high-grade, precious metals projects located in key mining districts of Nevada, USA. The Company's mission is to grow by the drill bit and by acquisition.

On Behalf of the Board of American Pacific Mining Corp.

Corporate Office: Suite 910 – 510 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC, V6C 3A8 Canada

Investor Relations Contact: Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp., 604.908.1695 /

Media Relations Contact: Adam Bello, Primoris Group Inc. 416.489.0092 /

The CSE has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release. Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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Silver Hammer Mining Corp. (CSE: HAMR; OTCQB: HAMRF) (the "Company" or "Silver Hammer" ) is pleased to announce that it has commenced an induced polarization (" IP ") resistivity survey at its past-producing Silver Strand Project in Idaho.

The IP/Resistivity technology can identify silicified quartz-hosted, sulfide-rich silver and gold mineralization up to 200 metres depth. The survey is intended to track the known mineralized zone laterally, as well as to search for parallel mineralized zones and will run concurrent with the upcoming drill program, which is expected to commence before the end of July.

The survey lines will extend 1.3 kilometres in length and data will be collected at 100 metre spaced stations with survey lines spaced 200 metres apart.

The survey will be conducted by Big Sky Geophysics, and the data collected from the survey will be used in concert with data collected from a recent drone-supported magnetic survey to assess and enhance both underground and surface targets.

"The IP survey is yet another low-cost surface exploration method we are using to better understand the potential for a district-scale mineralized system at Silver Strand," stated President and CEO Morgan Lekstrom. "The IP survey results will be analyzed together with our magnetics data to further refine surface drill targets as we work to ascertain the potential for mineralization along the 5.5 kilometre strike extent of the prospective Revett formation on the property, which is located within Idaho's Silver Valley."

Technical aspects of this press release have been reviewed and approved by Philip Mulholland, a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, a contractor of the Company and the designated Qualified Person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101.

About Silver Hammer Mining Corp.

Silver Hammer Mining Corp. is a junior resource company advancing the flagship past-producing Silver Strand Mine in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District in Idaho, USA, as well both the Eliza Silver Project and the Silverton Silver Mine in one of the world's most prolific mining jurisdictions in Nevada and the Lacy Gold Project in British Columbia, Canada. Silver Hammer's primary focus is defining and developing silver deposits near past-producing mines that have not been adequately tested. The Company's portfolio also provides exposure to copper and gold discoveries.

Disclaimer note: Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's projects.

On Behalf of the Board of Silver Hammer Mining Corp.

Morgan Lekstrom President and CEO

Corporate Office: 551 Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2C2, Canada

For investor relations inquiries, contact:

Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp. T: 604.908.1695 E:

Adam Bello, Primoris Group Inc. T: 416.489.0092 E:

The CSE does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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Red Pine Exploration Inc. (TSXV: RPX, OTCQB: RDEXF) ("Red Pine" or the "Company") is pleased to report on new results from its 2022 Phase 1 exploration program. Red Pine drilling has intersected high-grade gold mineralization in the Minto Mine Shear Zone. We have confirmed gold mineralization in the extension of the Jubilee Shear south of the Parkhill Fault adding over 2.5kms in strike length of known continuous gold mineralization to the Wawa Gold Corridor.

"We know that the historic high grade mines; Minto, Parkhill and Darwin Grace; have produced spectacular gold intersections throughout their operational history and it is understandable that we are now intersecting similar high-grade as we work to expand our resources into these areas. Red Pine is making excellent progress as we expand the footprint of our current resource," - Quentin Yarie, President and CEO of Red Pine Exploration.

High-grade gold in the Minto Mine Deposit

As part of its on-going drilling in the Surluga South exploration target, Red Pine is testing strategic gaps in the resource of the Minto Mine Deposit. In hole SD-22-373, located within an approximately 25 meters-wide gap in the current resource of the Minto Deposit, we discovered additional high-grade gold mineralization in the Minto Mine shear zone. The results from SD-22-373, combined with those of SD-21-298A (announced September 2, 2021), indicate that the Minto Mine deposit has the potential to host zones of high-grade gold mineralization.

Table 1 – Minto Mine Shear Zone (refer to Figure1)

Figure 1 – Minto Mine South Cross Section .

Discovery of gold mineralization in the Jubilee Shear Zone south of the Parkhill Fault – Figure 2

"As we continue to focus on the expansion of the Surluga and Minto Mine South resources, a third drill has been conducting further regional exploration of the property, particularly south of the Parkhill Fault (Figure xx). We have successfully demonstrated that a large orogenic gold system exists at the Wawa Gold Project now extending over a >6km strike length. Gold mineralization exists across multiple structures south of the Parkhill fault and we will now utilize what we have learned from the Surluga resource to identify zones of material gold grades and thicknesses. As an example, visible gold has been intersected in the Jubilee shear south of the Parkhill fault in hole JS-22-368 proving our teams understanding of this large gold system (assays pending)," - Quentin Yarie, President and CEO of Red Pine Exploration.

Figure 2 – Plan Map Of Wawa Gold Corridor – Extending the Jubilee Shear.

Red Pine's drilling confirmed the presence of gold mineralization in some of the deformation domains that are forming the Jubilee Shear Zone south of the Parkhill fault thereby opening this underexplored segment of the structure for additional exploration (Table 2).

Table 2– Jubilee Shear Zone south of the Parkhill Fault (refer to Figure 2)

* Assay results presented over core length are estimated to represent over 75% true width

Darwin Grace-Nyman Gold System: Confirmation of mineralization in the Grace Shear Zone 300 meters south of the vertical shaft of the Darwin-Grace Mine

In the Darwin-Grace area, hole DG-22-349 extends gold mineralization in the Grace Shear Zone 300 m southeast of the vertical shaft of the Darwin-Grace Mine (Table 3). Being the southernmost drill hole ever completed in the Grace Shear Zone, DG-22-349 shows that mineralization in the Grace Shear System remains open to the south. Red Pine's 2022 Phase 1 exploration program has confirmed the presence of gold mineralization along the Grace Shear Zone over a total strike length of 650 meters ( announced March 16 th , 2022 ).

Table 3 – Expansion of gold mineralization in the Darwin-Grace mineralized system*

Assay results presented over core length and are estimated to represent > 75% true width in the Grace Shear Zone and the Nyman Shear Zone.

Hole SD-22-352 and SD-22-330 extended the footprints of the Surluga North Vein Network (Table 4). The intersection in SD-22-352 is located 120 meters east of the intersection of the Surluga North Vein network in SD-22-326 (refer to press release dated April 19th, 2022).

Table 4 – Surluga North Vein Network above the Jubilee Shear Zone*

Assay results presented over core length and are estimated to represent > 35% true width in the Surluga North Vein Network.

Drilling in the Surluga South and the Surluga North zones in the Jubilee Shear Zone demonstrate that the structure and gold mineralization are persisting at depth (Table 5).

Table 5 – Jubilee Shear Zone (refer to Figure 2)

Assay results presented over core length and are estimated to represent > 75% true width in the Jubilee Shear Zone.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control ("QA/QC") Measures

Drill core samples were transported in security sealed bags for analyses at Actlabs in Ancaster, Ontario. Individual samples were labelled, placed in plastic sample bags and sealed. Groups of samples were then placed into durable rice bags and then shipped. The residual coarse reject portions of the samples remain in storage if further work or verification is needed.

Red Pine has implemented a quality-control program to comply with best practices in the sampling and analysis of drill core. As part of its QA/QC program, Red Pine inserts external gold standards (low to high grade) and blanks every 20 samples in addition to random standards, blanks, and duplicates.

Quentin Yarie, P.Geo. and Chief Executive Officer of Red Pine and the Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed, and approved the news release's technical information.

Red Pine has developed and implemented compliant precautions and procedures according to guidelines for the Province of Ontario. Protocols were put in place to ensure our employees' and contractors' safety, thereby reducing the potential for community contact and spreading of the virus.

About Red Pine Exploration Inc.

Red Pine Exploration Inc. is a gold exploration company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "RPX" and on the OTCQB Markets under the symbol "RDEXF".

The Wawa Gold Project is in the Michipicoten Greenstone Belt of Ontario, a region that has seen major investment by several producers in the last five years. Its land package hosts numerous historic gold mines and is over 6,900 hectares in size. The Company's Chairman of the Board is Paul Martin, the former CEO of Detour Gold. The Board has extensive and diverse experience at such entities as Alamos, Barrick, Generation Mining, Detour Gold and Paramount Gold Nevada Corp. Led by Quentin Yarie, CEO, who has over 25 years of experience in mineral exploration, Red Pine is strengthening its position as a major mineral exploration and development player in the Michipicoten region.

For more information about the Company, visit

Quentin Yarie, President and CEO, (416) 364-7024,

Carrie Howes, Director Corporate Communications, (416) 644-7375,

1 National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report for the Wawa Gold Project, Brian Thomas P.Geo. Golder Associates Ltd, report effective August 18, 2021.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This News Release contains forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may", "should", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "predicts", "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our or our industry's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

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