Norway-based well integrity specialist company HydraWell has marked a significant milestone with the completion of its 500th plug installation using revolutionary technology.
The landmark announcement comes at a crucial time in the company’s evolution as it seeks to expand its corporate horizons in terms of geographical and sectoral reach. With an increasing volume of work coming from out with the traditional North Sea region, the company is also working hard to diversify income sources and recent project successes include geothermal work for a leading tomato producer and a salt mining client in the Netherlands.
From the company’s roots in Norway and now a significant presence in the UK and Malaysia, the adaptability of its solutions is central to a bright and optimistic future as the team continues to explore new opportunities in a range of emerging markets such as Australia, Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico.
At the heart of the achievement, and HydraWell’s ongoing drive to re-think existing well integrity operations, is the revolutionary Perf, Wash & Cement (PWC®) which provides a nimble and flexible method much in demand across a range of applications from permanent P&A and slot recovery to restoring annular integrity and casing shoe repair.
More recently, a focus on the development of specialist Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has allowed greater understanding and tangible evidence of what is happening downhole. CFD uses numerical computing analysis to examine fluid flow-related issues, allowing better understanding of the fluid displacement through a perforated casing. The result is better and, ultimately, safer P&A outcomes and CFD will be instrumental in opening up further opportunities in areas including food and drink, aerospace, automotive and chemical manufacturing as well as energy sectors.
Taking progress to the next level is the HydraCT coiled tubing PWC® solution which can cut emissions by 80% and costs by up to 50-60%. It is predicted that this offering will become a lynchpin in the portfolio moving forward and is already being considered for use in projects in the next few months, with demand expected to increase in years to come.
Commenting on the landmark 500th PWC® plug installation, Tom Leeson, Chief Commercial Officer of HydraWell said: “This milestone allows us to reflect on how the market has changed during our time in business, and how we have successfully responded to those changes by creating superior solutions which are carefully in step with the needs of clients and the market.
“Rigorous demand in the likes of Australia and Brazil within the last 12 months means these regions are catching up with Norway and the UK in terms of volume of P&A work for us.
“It is now imperative for our clients not only to know what we are going to do but also how we are going to do it, to ensure that we deliver good quality, sustainable solutions that maximise safety and longevity.
“Looking ahead to the next 500 installations, we forecast much research on working without rigs and we will be at the forefront of guiding how the sector can address the challenge of rig availability. This will involve executing abandonment work which moves away from the need for a rig to pull pipe towards rigless, coiled tubing innovations and HydraCT will lie at the heart of the next chapter.”
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