How to stay motivated to run this winter

2022-08-19 22:57:30 By : Ms. suzie sales

One way to stay motivated on your fitness journey is to get a running buddy for winter runs.

Even the most dedicated runners can have a hard time getting out the door in wintertime. Frigid temperatures, limited daylight, and hectic holiday schedules make it easier than ever to push the snooze button, stay tucked in bed, and swap those planned miles for extra shuteye.

Five Colorado winters taught me that the key to staying on track during the coldest season of the year is anticipating roadblocks and planning around them. Here are seven tips for maintaining motivation these new few months so you can keep the momentum going from fall to spring:

One of the best ways to stay consistent with your training is to always keep a goal on the horizon. It can be as low-key as a family-friendly wintery fun run — like my first race ever, the Jingle Bell Run — or as serious as a major spring marathon, such as the Boston marathon. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s relatively soon (within the next few months) and register for it now so you’re not just training just to train; you’re working towards a target and every mile has a purpose.

It can be surprisingly easy to bail on yourself. No one has to know when you miss a run or skip a gym session, and there are no consequences for prioritizing your social life over your athletic goals. But bailing on someone else is another story. Capitalize on companionship this winter by finding a trusty training partner (or a whole group of them) who will hold you accountable for showing up — arguably the hardest part of all. Devise a plan that works with everyone, and treat your meet-ups with the seriousness of a conference call or coffee date.

You can also look into joining a running group if you don't have any fellow runners in your friend group or family unit. Road Runners Club of America is a great resource for finning running buddies. 

My first winter training in Boulder, Colorado was definitely my roughest. I’d only ever lived in Texas before then, and it took a while to figure out what winter training was all about. The most important adjustments I made that first season were to my wardrobe and gear stash. 

I learned the hard way that frozen fingers make for miserable running, no matter how warm the rest of my body feels. These Fox River Double Ragg Mittens proved to be game-changing on the coldest days. When it was merely chilly outside, I found more success with cheap knit gloves like these Wild Fable ones than with fancier options advertised for athletes.

I also discovered how crucial it is to keep my core warm, so I added a lightweight vest to my lineup, usually worn over a thin and breathable long-sleeve top. My favorite vest is made by The North Face because it’s warm, wind-resistant, and as fitting for trail running as it is for errand running. On days that are extra cold or windy, a packable jacket like this ASICS Fujitrail one can be a lifesaver on top of the vest.

It took me way too long to bite the bullet on a headlamp, which anyone running before sunup or after sundown should absolutely own. In addition to keeping your path lit, it will alert drivers, cyclists, and other runners of your presence, and make your loved ones feel way better when you roll out in the dark. I have this affordable one by Hoxida, which features five modes of brightness, a lightweight and waterproof design, and a USB-rechargeable battery.

Lastly, if you plan to do a lot of running on snow and ice, you may want to consider getting a pair of Yaktrax Run Traction Cleats. They fit over your running shoes and help you stay on your feet, thanks to six 3mm carbide-steel spikes beneath the ball of your foot and 1.4mm stainless-steel coils beneath your heel.

While some people would rather run through a snowstorm than spend even a minute on a treadmill, others have no problem or even enjoy training in a controlled indoor environment. (For the record, while I run outside most days, I'm also pro-treadmill.) If cold-weather running is just not your thing, give yourself the freedom to take your workouts inside. Whether that means getting a gym membership or investing in your own treadmill, enjoy getting by with less gear (and laundry!) and know that running is running, wherever you do it. 

XTERRA Fitness TR150 Folding Treadmill Black

Before we all scattered to our respective cities for winter break, my college cross-country and track coach used to leave my teammates and me with one piece of advice: Get your training done in the morning. Not putting off our workouts for “later” (which often gets pushed back and back until the day slips away entirely) ensured that we’d get it done, no matter how many directions we got pulled in as the day unfolded.

Even though I’m almost a decade removed from college, I still take those words to heart — not just during the holidays, but on a day-to-day basis, too. By now, a morning run is as automatic as brewing coffee or brushing my teeth, and a day that starts otherwise just doesn’t feel right.

If you’re not used to running seven days a week or don’t actually have time for an hour-long gym session three times a week, do yourself a favor and take a realistic approach to your training plan upfront. Decide how much time you’re willing to spend running and what must get done in that window each week. Then look at your calendar and plan accordingly.

Remember: The goal this winter is consistency, not perfection. Focus on the mental toughness you’re building, and the payoffs down the road. 

It doesn’t matter whether you’re running solo or in a group, indoors or in sub-zero temperatures: winter training is some of the toughest you’ll face all year. Every time you walk out the door to nail another run, remember that all the work you’re putting in right now is building not just aerobic fitness but mental toughness, too. Envision those gains carrying you to new personal records and ticked-off goals in seasons to come, and don’t forget to celebrate your progress along the way.