Wed March 25, 2020 - National Edition Esco
ESCO , a market leader in G.E.T. with a wealth of knowledge from more than 100 years of developing wear solutions is investing in innovative products to make its customers successful and create a sustainable future.
A critical need is immediate detection of bucket component loss. ESCO understands the impact such an event can have – unplanned stoppage of operations, potential equipment damage, and the safety risk during the required maintenance.
ESCO released its revolutionary parts monitoring system for shovels and loaders in 2019. The initial release works exclusively on the Nemisys Lip System.
The G.E.T. Detect System provides instant feedback to the machine operator for G.E.T. component loss so the machine can be shut down to avoid damage to the bucket lip system and the necessary steps taken to prevent lost parts from damaging expensive crushing equipment.
The Nemisys lip components are equipped with sensors that are monitored in real-time by two receiving antennae on the exterior of the machine. In event of component loss, the machine operator receives an audible signal and a visual indication on a screen at what location the component loss occurred.
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Construction Equipment Guide 470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 800-523-2200
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