Auction Calendar: May 27, 2022

2022-05-28 09:35:36 By : Mr. Zheng Shawn

** auctions appearing in this week's newspaper

9:00 AM – Bob's Auction Service, Inc. Consignments wanted for summer consignment auction, Sat., May 28, 2022. Ring 1 includes onsite only sale at 9 AM, Ring 2 with webcast starting at 9:30 AM. Includes tractors, skid loaders, combines, attachments, vehicles, trailers, tillage equipment, manure spreaders, lawn/garden and more. Visit to register and bid. To consign, call 920-210-5278. Advertising deadline Mon., May 16. Items delivered by Sat., May 21. Visit for info, pictures and online bidding. Located at W9663 County S, Beaver Dam, WI.

11:00 AM – Hi View Hi Time Sale. A multi-breed sale. Great Northern Sales Arena, Fond du Lac, WI. Online bidding at Owners: Brian and Kristi Dinderman and family, Orangeville, IL. Sale conducted by and located at: Great Northern Land & Cattle Co., Inc., W4226 Hwy 23 E, Fond du Lac, WI. 920-923-6991. View catalog online at:

10:00 AM – John & Donna Doherty Trust. Includes collector vehicles, motorcycle, running gears, antiques and collectibles, household and more. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC Reg. WI Auctioneers: Dean George (608-751-5703) and Kale George (608-882-6123). Located at 9403 West Mineral Point Rd., Janesville, WI.  

10:00 AM – Acker Dairy Farm online auction. Bidding ends Thurs., June 2. Located at A4452 Grote Hill Rd., Reedsburg, WI. Partial list, online bidding and pictures at Preview: June 1 from 11AM to 1PM, pickup June 3 from 9AM to 2PM. Includes tractors/skidsteer, combine and grain handling, hay/forage, machinery, tool/farm items. 

10:00 AM – Hay sale followed by dairy auction at 11:00 AM – Oberholtzer Auctions, special Dairy & Heifer Sale. Complete herd dispersal includes 37 Holstein tie stall cows, along with 16 additional Holstein tiestall cows and 6 Holstein and crossbred springing heifers. 20 Holstein open heifers. Expecting usual run of 400-500 head. Watch sale online at Located at W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI. Conducted by Oberholtzer Dairy and Auction Co. 

10:00 AM – Live equipment retirement auction, S2281 County C, Arcadia, WI. Preview held May 26 from 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Includes tractors, combines, heads, drills, planter, trailers, fertilizer accessories, forage equipment, skid steer loaders and more. Timed online parts and misc. items retirement auction opens Mon., May 3, closes June 1 at 11:00 a.m. Steffes Group Auction. Randy Kath, 320-693-9371 or 701-429-8894. 

10:30 AM – Special Dairy Sale. Complete dispersal. Includes 250 Holstein cows and approximately 40 heifers. This is an excellent buying opportunity. This herd had a 30,000 lb. rolling herd average in the past. Currently, they are not being fed for that production level, but the genetics and frames could still support that production level. Located at W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI. Conducted by Oberholtzer Dairy and Auction Co. 

9:30 AM – Auction to settle Albert Daun Estate, includes collector tractors, guns, equipment, garden tractors, plows, harvester, reaper, and more. Live sale starts at 9:30 AM sharp with collector hand tools, corn shellers and vintage type equipment. 11:30 AM guns will be sold, 12:30 PM includes collector tractors, equipment and signs. Visit for pictures, list and updated information. John O’Brien, Fond du Lac, WI. 920-960-0685. Location: W3135 Paradise Rd., Chilton, WI.

10:00 AM – Gene & Beverly Bobolz Estate. Includes skid loaders, collector tractors, machinery, shop equipment, tools, signs, and more. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC. Reg. WI Auctioneers: Dean George (608-751-5701) and Kale George (608-882-6123). Located at 3706 South Hwy. 140, Avalon, WI. 

10:00 AM – Farm retirement auction. Includes tractors, backhoe, combine and heads, tillage, planter, wagons, grain truck, horse trailer, and more. Floyd Seemann, owner. Good equipment from good people. Well maintained. Auctioneers: Gordon State, Monroe Center, IL. 847-514-2853.Located at 8518 Seeman Rd., Union, IL.

Open House Thurs., June 2 from 9AM to 4PM, 100 Rock Ledge Ln., Neenah, WI – June 2022 Neenah auto consignment sale, includes trucks, trailers, equipment and more. Online bidding ends June 6. Bid now at Call 920-383-1012 for more information. 

92 + acres of prime tillable and recreational land offered in two separate tracts. Online bidding ends June 7. Auction by Hansen Auction Group online auctions. Bid now at Includes land located in the town of Sumpter Sauk County WI. Call or visit Hansen Auction Group online for more information and land details 715-607-4411 or

4:00 PM and 6:00 PM – June Equipment Consignment Auction. Two rings, misc. Items ring starting close to 4 PM, machinery ring starting to close at 6 PM. Check out for complete listings and bidding info. Includes combine, air planter, forage box, sickle mower, tractors, hay equipment, grain trucks, vehicles recreational, lawn and garden, and more.  

Open House Fri., June 3 from 10AM to 3PM, N7951 Hwy 13, Westboro, WI. Online bidding ends June 7 – Bid now at Auction includes John Deere excavator, crawler/dozer, Vermeer trencher, Morooka crawler dumper, tractor and parts, shop equipment, tires and more. Call 715-539-6295 for more info. 

9:00 AM – Absolute Public Auction: truck tractors, straight trucks, and trailers. Live virtual online only auction includes sleeper trucks, day cabs, trailers, straight trucks and other misc. Vehicles. There will be no onsite bidding for this auction. Customers must register online at proxibid. Cellular bidding is first come, first served. Auction site is open, arrange to view before auction day. For more info, visit or call (800) 992-2893. USAuctioneers Inc., 4700 69th Ave., Milan, IL.

No start time yet – Advance notice – Special feeder cattle, beef, cow and breeding bull sale. Includes 75 Holstein dairy cows, 16 purebred bulls, and a Red and White Lineback bull. Located at W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI. Conducted by Oberholtzer Dairy and Auction Co. 

11:00 AM – Quality Living Estate Auction – Andy & Judy Dobesh, Absolute retirement auction. This outstanding auction includes a splendid tractor lineup, along with vehicles, mowers, antiques and collectibles, tools and more. Also includes Sugar Shack Contents: Maple syrup cooker, pails, bags, jars, and more. Rough cut lumber, mixed oak, cedar, etc. Shop includes skat blast dry cabinet, air compressor, and lots more. Located at 5332 S. County T, Denmark Wisconsin, located 5 ½ miles north of Denmark on County T. Miller N Co Auction. View pics and detailed listing at Selling live/online with and 

11:00 AM – Friday and 9 AM Saturday. Freeman Riddle Collection. Auction held at 72435 Hwy 15, New Paris, IN. Day 1 includes live on-site bidding only, featuring high quality John Deere tractor parts and accessories, and a full line of shop tools and more. Gates will open at 8 AM for previewing on day 1. Day 2 includes online bidding, live on-site bidding for tractors, truck, backhoe and implements. Starting with trailer load of high-quality John Deere tractor parts. Polk Auction Company, (877) 915-4440.

10:00 AM – Live and Online Farm Retirement Auction – Sale includes John Deere MFWD & 2WD tractors, clean forage and haying equipment, skid loaders, bagger, livestock equipment and manure spreaders, drill, tillage machinery, snowblower, gravity wagons and more. Viewing is June 11-16 from 9 AM to 6 PM, no exceptions. John & Dawn Herrick, owners/sellers - Matt Maring Auction Co. Auction located at 5758 305th St., Boyd, WI.

Machinery Auction, no time specified – Consign machinery early. Onsite auction will sell in three rings, with online bidding through Nationwide buyers used farm machinery selling at record highs, tremendous demand. Located at N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Online bidders and buyers register at Office contact 715-229-2500. 

No time specified. Premier Livestock and Auctions LLC. Machinery auction (now accepting consignments). Consign early, nationwide buyers through Includes 2 full lines of equipment consigned, selling in 3 rings. Includes tractors, combines, dozers, grain, dump trucks, sprayer, manure equipment, ATV, Hay and Forage, trucks, cars, vans, lawn tractors, general farm equipment, and more. Located at: N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI.

9:30 AM – On Site Live Auction. Craig Rhiner (608) 669-0610. Includes tractors, collectible John Deere equipment, Collectibles, trailer equipment, garden and tractors, misc. and more. Conducted by Ritger & Drendel Auctions. Auctioneer- Don Kleven. Located at 7266 Riverside Rd., Verona, WI.

10:30 AM – No Location Listed. Double estate auction. Includes a clean case 580 K construction king tractor, 2WD, cab, Honda Valkyrie with California side car and Gold Wing GL 1500 trike, JI Case agitator threshing machine and lots of tools, farm primitives, enamel wear, plus miscellaneous items. Miller N Co Auctions. Visit to see pics and list updates as the warehouse is cleaned out.  

10:00 AM – Franklin County, Iowa Land Auction – includes 228 acres (subject to survey), 2 tracts. Brocka land is in Section 36, West Fork Township, Franklin County Iowa. Investors or farmers, mark calendars now. High quality tracts offer productive Readlyn, Kenyon and Tripoli soils, Tract 1 boasts a CSR2 of 87.3 and Tract 2 features a CSR2 of 88.2. Gordon Brocka Estate, Marietta Brocka Residuary Trust.  Auction managers: Jim Huff (319) 931-9292 and Dan Sullivan: (844) 84702161. Also selling construction and tiling equipment, tractors, trucks, and trailers, and more. Details and photos available online June 15 at 10 AM. Sullivan Auctioneers - (844) 847-2161. 

8:00 AM – July Stateline Consignment Auction. Accepting consignments in May & June. Looking for used farm equipment, including construction equipment, skid steers, attachments, hay and forage equipment, planting and tillage, trucks, trailers, recreational equipment and lawn and garden. Taking consignments until July 2. Call and schedule an appointment today. Sale includes onsite and online bidding. Visit for full details and information. 101 E Murray St., Browntown, WI. Stateline Auctions office (608) 439-5794.  

Advance Notice upcoming machinery auction. Includes Live-onsite and online bidding with equipmentfacts. Consign early to take advantage of our nationwide advertising. Located at W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI. Conducted by Oberholtzer Dairy and Auction Co.