Special: Community properties.88 pages Almedalen special.Portrait: Specialfastigheter's CEO Åsa Hedenberg.Sweden's leading media for coverage of the real estate industry.In a large survey, Fastighetsvärlden lists the 100 largest property owners in Sweden.Below we offer the 15 largest.In the list, the companies' ownership outside Sweden has been deducted so that only the value of properties and ongoing projects within the country's borders is taken into account.The information is based on the companies' stated market value according to the latest available information from each player at the turn of the year adjusted for major deals until publication on March 7, 2021. The list lacks the majority of own users.The complete list of the 100 largest real estate companies in Sweden can be ordered in our online store (for both direct download and as a paper newspaper).The magazine also has various smaller lists based on different categories.Legend: T = total lettable area (tkvm) of which B = Housing, K = Office, H = Trade, Ö = Other.The pie chart shows the regional distribution of the value in percent.Red = Stockholm, Blue = Gothenburg, Yellow = Malmö, Green = Regional cities, Light green = OtherSign up for our mailing lists so you do not miss anything: compilations over the past week, new services at FV Jobs and seminar information - all services are Free.Will also sell its 50% large share in Swedish Government Buildings, with properties for 12 billion, during the autumn.Cancels the transaction with reference to changed financial terms.SBB's CEO in an interview about the company's communication, about upcoming billion sales and how he and his colleagues are doing.FV tells what happened and what awaits in the future.19th century building with lake location.Hufvudstaden has nobbed the change of ownership.FV reports on emails between the parties.Alerts the majority of company staff.Moves targets.JV signs agreement.Law firm moves in.33 companies in list.At 11 o'clock, nine had backed down by more than 5 percent.Only one company is on the plus side for the past 12 months.26,000 sqm is included in the deal.Tells FV about the return.At the same time, the need for new housing is being written up.New report.Sat on pause.Would be the largest listing since 2015.Two companies merge to form a joint real estate group.Not even when Johanna Frelin as the new TV manager saw herself on the ballot papers was she discouraged.She already knew that she was the boss she wanted to be.Now she leads Riksbyggen with a focus on sustainability and digitalisation, and she prefers everything to happen as quickly as possible.Another chapter is now being written in the transformation of the shipyard area in Malmö.Where ships previously went off the rails, two residential towers will soon be erected where no savings have been made on terraces and balconies.Test your knowledge of one of the industry's most colorful profiles.Fastighetsvärlden lists here the largest leases of office space in Sweden reported in 2022.Get a quick idea of how the listed real estate companies are valued by the stock exchange."In his sleep he came, the inner monologue, brooding from the Prime Minister himself."Fastighetsvärlden lists here the largest real estate transactions that will take place in Sweden in 2022.Upheaving times for both offices and stores.Hufvudstaden's new CEO Anders Nygren is looking for solutions that will keep the country's proudest real estate company in the lead.See deals made in Stockholm - filter by type and year!Sign up for our mailing lists so you do not miss anything: compilations over the past week, new services at FV Jobs and seminar information - all services are Free.What do you remember about the special year 2021?"As if the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning would have better local control than the municipalities."Sign up for our mailing lists so you do not miss anything: compilations over the past week, new services at FV Jobb and seminar information - all services are Free.© 2022 Tidnings AB Fastighetsvärlden.All Rights Reserved.Become a recipient of Fastighetsvärlden Idag to get daily news and access to Plusmaterial on the web.