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Because while everything else about this attractive pocket of Southport shouts pride and perfectionism, the street's tortured tarmac looks like a film crew had started preparing it for a war movie. The road surface is peppered with dozens of potholes, some almost long enough to bury a body. Others have ancient cobbles poking through mud.
And for the fed-up residents of the Merseyside town's Knob Hall Lane, simply getting to and from their own homes has become a tyre-shredding, suspension-wrecking, ankle-turning obstacle course.
"When it rains you can wash your feet in those darned potholes because they fill up with water," says retired nurse Gillie Bishop, 73. "Driving and walking along has become a nightmare, especially for the elderly.
You have to drive in the middle of the road to avoid them. Cars go all over the place. It's crazy."
Fixing this mess is a colossal job, and thankfully the Daily Express has the perfect solution - JCB's Pothole Pro machine, nicknamed The Cruncher.
In February, we road-tested the machine in Stoke-on-Trent to see if it could help solve the nation's pothole crisis.
At least a million need filling at any one time - with councils in England and Wales paying out £3million a year in compensation for damaged cars.The Cruncher sorted seven potholes in under an hour.
So the Daily Express laid down a challenge to readers - nominate Britain's worst road for potholes and our friends at JCB will send in The Cruncher. Entries flooded in, but the lane in Southport was a clear winner with around 40 nasty potholes scattered over a quarter of a mile.
Nominated by Gillie and neighbour Jane Noble, the road's residents were delighted when The Cruncher came to call this week, assisted by Merseyside-based Tarmac company Dowhigh. A small crowd watched in awe as The Cruncher deployed its 54 tungsten carbide teeth to dig out the debris and then use a planer to create neat squares ready for filling with Dowhigh's Tarmac.
"It's magical seeing how this machine makes light work of the blighters," says Gillie as the machine trundled along the road. "When I read the article I thought that machine was just what we needed and so it has proved to be."
Jane Noble was so pleased she broke out the bunting and set up a tea party for the grateful residents.
"Getting this work done has really brought out the community spirit in our lane," said Jane, 65, a retired infant school headteacher.
"The JCB Pothole Pro machine is a delight to watch. It grinds away, dumps the debris in a lorry and cuts a perfect square and all in minutes. It is sort of mesmerising to watch. I could literally stand here all day."
David Melling, 75, added: "I fell off my bike nine years ago when it hit a pothole along here. I had bumps and bruises but it could have been worse. This is going to be a lot safer for cyclists, young and old."
The lane had fallen through the cracks when it came to road repairs.
Sefton Council said the street was not "adopted" so they were not responsible for repairs. Resident David Jackson, a retired Detective Constable for Lancashire Police, has been on the case for many years. "It all has to do with former landowners," he says.
"Some of the worst potholes are right outside our little row of cottages. When trucks or big cars go past and inevitably go into the potholes you can actually feel the vibration inside as we are only about 15 yards away from the road.
"The potholes have been threatening the foundations of our homes. Having this work done will take away the worry."
Southport Tory MP Damien Moore has been closely following developments.
"It is extremely disappointing that it has fallen to a national newspaper and local businesses, rather than the Labour-led Sefton Council, to carry out much needed repairs," said Mr Moore.
"Council taxpayers should expect a quality service, yet Sefton seems to be one of this country's most stubborn councils. They have resisted calls to adopt Knob Hall Lane for decades, one of the worst-condition residential roads I have ever come across.
"I salute the Daily Express, JCB, Dowhigh and all residents for this creative solution to e." o a long-standing issue." It took just four hours to sort the problem. Trevor Murray, a director of Dowhigh, said: "We've had a team of three laying down the tarmac and we used about ten tons.
"Some of the holes were 12cm deep. The JCB machine works very quickly and we are just so pleased to get involved and help the people in this street.
"It's one of the worst roads for potholes I've seen. The residents will see a big improvement. It is a lot safer now."
Doris Ingram, 90, felt confident enough to go for a little walk. "I don't have to worry about tripping over a pothole now.This is going to make my life so much easier. I think I'll go out walking a bit more. It feels safer under foot."
As the final hole was filled, a huge cheer went up from residents.
"This party atmosphere is wonderful," said Jane Noble. "It's put some of us in the mood for a street party to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee." JCB chairman Lord Anthony Bamford said: "We are on a mission to help fix Britain's roads and we are delighted to team up with the Daily Express to help residents on this street repair potholes with the JCB Pothole Pro in time for the Platinum Jubilee.
"This has been a real team effort and shows what can be achieved when everyone pulls together. It has been a wonderful community initiative."
Sefton Council said it recently undertook "extensive investigations", which had "reaffirmed that, as Knob Hall Lane is an unadopted road, Sefton Council is not responsible for its upkeep".
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