Newstab mobile site, raw steel carbide, signed an export contract with Israel for 'WK46-PR (Clay teeth)', a patented product developed in-house

2022-08-13 00:20:31 By : Mr. Mike Lai

Wongang Carbide (CEO Honam Jeong), a manufacturing company specializing in materials, parts and equipment, announced that it would export its proprietary patented product 'WK46-PR (Clay teeth)' to Israel through a partnership with Israel's top civil engineering company, ARIEL GABAY.WK46-PR (Clay teeth) uses BC cutter equipment (BC32/BC35/BC40) to work with underground continuous walls, not for domestic hard terrain, but for mud clay strata in the Middle East. It provides more than 1.5 times more efficient digging rate.Wongang Carbide started by participating in the civil engineering work of Yeouido Securities Complex in 1989 and produced and delivered BC Teeth and Holder, which are major parts of BC Cutter, an underground continuous wall equipment, for the first time. by localizing it, laid the foundation for creating an ecosystem of low-cost and high-quality domestic construction parts.In addition, it started exporting overseas through cooperation with domestic LT Sambo (formerly Sambo E&C) from the 1990s, and from 2019, despite the global recession due to COVID-19, it has promoted the expansion of overseas export channels by reinforcing its organization and manpower.As a result, starting with Singapore in 2019 and continuing to export countries such as Israel, Oman, and Egypt until 2022, the export performance has more than doubled every year.In particular, as exports of more than $3 million are expected this year, it is becoming a good example of market development and international sales in the increasingly difficult domestic parts manufacturing industry.A source of raw carbide said, “Despite the difficulties of the manufacturing environment for small and medium-sized enterprises, raw carbide is managing the quality of its products with the highest priority, and through the introduction of ISO9001 (2015), the most widely used quality management system in the world, the quality of products is managed and produced. We are preparing for export to Europe through CE certification.” He said, “We are strengthening the challenge for sustainable growth by establishing the Total Foundation R&D Center (Wonkang Co., CEO Kang Tae-young) in Seoul exclusively for R&D and overseas sales. .” he said.