If you’re in the market for a new snowblower, don't wait for the first blizzard of the season to buy one.
Hardware store managers across the state said supply chain issues are stopping manufacturers from filling their orders on time. Inventory is low and a few bad storms in the coming weeks could have dealers sold out before Christmas.
“We’ve been basically told flat-out there’s not going to be in-season reorders,” said Tim Grebe, owner of Grebe’s in Wausau. “Honestly, if we got a couple of really good storms back-to-back, chances are we’re going to sell out.”
Grebe said higher-end machines he ordered eight months ago were supposed to arrive by September, but they haven't yet. He said the store had similar experiences with other products all year long. In the summer, they were short on gardening supplies.
“It’s an ongoing thing,” he said.
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Gas-powered snowblowers typically come in three sizes, ranging from single- to three-stage. Basically, a single-stage machine uses an auger to scoop up snow and throw it out of a chute. Two- and three-stage machines use multiple augers to break up ice and snow and throw it with an impeller.
Some dealers are also starting to carry battery-powered blowers. They run about $1,500 to $2,000. Single-stage snow blowers range from about $500 to $800, while two and three-stage machines will run anywhere from $1,000 to $4,500.
Clint Kimps, a manager at Paulson Hardware in Green Bay and Kimps Ace Hardware in Howard, said he typically recommends two-stage blowers for residential homes.
“The smaller two-stages are really nice in Wisconsin because, when the plow comes through, they have a thicker auger in case it starts to ice up, and it can chew through that a little better,” he said. “That seems to be everyone’s staking point is when the plow comes through.”
Grebe said most two- and three-stage machines are self-propelled, which could help a person with mobility issues.
“If someone has a bum knee or they can’t walk as fast with a bad hip or heart issues, there are machines that won’t stress them as much,” he said. “It’s a lot better than shoveling.”
If a new machine is too pricey, it could be even harder to find a used one. Mike Buboltz, owner of Brillion Power Equipment and Hardware Plus, said his businesses haven't gotten any used snowblowers yet this year.
He said more people seem to be hanging on to their used machines or passing them on to family. A good snowblower can be a family heirloom, provided it's been properly cared for.
“Finding a good used one is going to be tough,” Buboltz said. “I think they’re getting passed down to kids who are getting their first house and that type of thing.”
Grebe said there’s a lucrative market for fixing snowblowers, and he’s had a hard time hiring more technicians to work on them. Unlike a lawnmower, snowblowers get used depending on how hard the winter is. They’re more susceptible to rust and nontypical wear and tear from improper maintenance.
“With a lawnmower, you run the gas out, sharpen the blade and you’re ready to go for next year, whereas, with a snowblower, it can rust up,” he said. “There’s more maintenance to be done, and people aren’t as comfortable trying to repair or maintain it.”
With low inventory on new and used snowblowers and limited technicians, hardware store owners offered the same advice to homeowners: Don’t wait to buy a new one, and make sure yours is running well before the snow comes.
“Get it in now and beat the snow. You don’t want to be looking at it the first night when it snows, thinking, ‘I wonder if this thing starts?’” Kimps said. “Pull it over and make sure it starts and runs now.”
Contact Jake Prinsen at jprinsen@gannett.com. Follow him on Twitter at @PrinsenJake.