More than half a century of De Waal's activity results in enormous experience in the field of special foundations.De Waal is primarily piling foundations - including irreplaceable CFA piling, which works well even in difficult conditions.It is worth reaching for De Waal's services whenever we care about the quality and safety of the construction.De Waal - a proven investment partnerThe De Waal company has been on the European market since 1959 and during this time it has distinguished itself many times with innovative solutions, such as the patenting of displacement piles in 1989.Over the years, De Waal has gained recognition as a reliable and trustworthy business partner.The company's range of services includes foundation piling, excavation protection and soil testing.In his work, De Waal focuses on the safety and durability of investments while optimizing costs.One of the most frequently performed services is CFA piles.CFA piles for special tasksDue to its numerous properties, the CFA, or Continous Flight Auger, bored piles have been a sensation for years.They can also be found under the Polish name as FSC piles, i.e. drilled piles made with a continuous auger mounted on a tubular core.CFA piles are mainly used for cohesive hard plastic and non-cohesive soils of high density.Piling using this method will work even in difficult conditions and on wet or uneven ground.Therefore, they can be used in sand, clay, gravel, silt or soft rocks.De Waala CFA piles are also often used to protect construction sites and surrounding buildings against landslides.That is why CFA piles are indispensable in urban, highly dense environments.The low noise and lack of vibrations also speak in favor of CFA piling.The technical parameters of CFA piles are varied and tailored to the needs.De Waal produces CFA piles with a diameter of 300, 400, 500 and 600 mm and a maximum length of 30 m. The load capacity of CFA piles depends on the ground conditions and may be up to 2000 kN.Comprehensive foundation piling and excavation protectionDe Waal is not only CFA piles, but also a comprehensive foundation piling, including: prefabricated piles, SDP piles, screw-in piles and driven piles.The choice of technology is selected for a specific construction.Many years of experience of the company and the possession of modern and specialized equipment allows for the adaptation and foundation of any object, taking into account customer requirements, the necessary technology and optimal costs.In addition to piling, De Waal also deals with professional protection of excavations and soil research.As part of securing the excavations, the company produces sheet piling, palisades and Berlin walls.However, the scope of soil investigation includes Sondex sounding.Choose the best - choose De WaalBy deciding to cooperate with De Waal, you gain professional advice in the field of preparation and protection of foundations and the highest quality CFA piles, whose reliability and innovation are appreciated throughout Europe.So if you are looking for a proven partner in your investment, De Waal is the right direction.All rights