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Tool lovers rejoice. The Skyhook exists.
Everyone's heard of an impact driver, miter saw, or even ball peen hammer, but what about a triple tap, a dogleg reamer, or a tailpipe cutter? These are the weirdest tools that you've never heard of, but just might want in your tool arsenal nonetheless.
Stick the hardened tip of the dogleg into a freshly-drilled and crank the handle. Spinning the tool takes the burr off the hole’s edge, a critical step in aircraft work, especially where a rough hole edge can act as a stress multiplier and cause a crack to form.
Need to reach into a hole to grab some small part? Reach for your trusty stork beak pliers.
This is a chisel used on rock, not teeth. It’s aggressive shape helps quickly rough a stone to shape.
It’s little known outside the trade that electricians are primarily metal workers. They have to cut threads in holes, clean dirt, rust and plaster out of other holes. The tool that helps them do that is this thing. It has three consecutively-sized taps on its shaft to suit multiple hole sizes.
When a mechanic needs to cut hardened dirt, debris, paint or rust out of a narrow chisel, he uses a cape chisel—essentially a very narrow cold chisel that can reach into these crevices.
Electricians and plumbers don’t always have the luxury of boring holes through nice clean lumber. Most of the time, they have to bore holes where there is a nail in the way. The stubby nail eater auger bit solves that problem. It’s short, so it can fit in tight spots and its constructed to be so tuff that it can chew through nails and spit them out.
This American-made tool is manufactured by the famous Fletcher-Terry company. Score the glass with the hardened wheel at one end and use the ball end to tap along the cut line before using the break-out notches to snap the glass clean.
A rabbet is a 90-degree notch that is either sawed, routed or planed in a piece of wood. The English-made Stanley plane has been used for a century (or more) by carpenters and woodworkers of various kinds to plane these rabbets to shape. It’s a simple, indispensable tool with two cutter positions: regular and bullnose (the cutter installed near the front). Hence the duplex in its name.
Egg beater drills take their name from the kitchen appliance because they use a similar mechanism. They’re fun to use, even if they’re not as fast as a cordless drill. But since they don’t need a battery, they’ll never run out of juice, because that’s provided by you:
This file’s name may be unfortunate, but its purpose is not. It’s a quick and rough tool for rapidly shaping metal. It does this with a double row of teeth offset from each other at an angle.
There are two kinds of spud wrenches, actually. One kind is a plumbing tool to remove a wide fitting called a spud, and there’s this thing, an ironworker’s tool. It’s a wrench on one end and a drift pin on the other. You poke that end into two misaligned holes and then lever them into alignment.
This is, essentially, a combination between a chain wrench and a pipe cutter. Wrap its chain around the tailpipe and lock it. Make a couple of turns to allow its pipe cutting wheels to sever the excess length of metal nice and neatly.
Tool lovers rejoice, there really is a Sky Hook, a previously joked about mythical device that would float through the air unattached to anything and pick up any load you desired. This Skyhook keeps tools tethered to aircraft mechanics so that even if they did drop them, they won’t fall far enough to do damage or become lost in the bowels of an aircraft, where they could cause disaster to strike.