MONTGOMERY – The decades-long wait for a new municipal center will be over when the township cuts the ribbon on the new facility on June 16.
"We're very excited," Mayor Devra Keenan said at the May 19 township committee meeting.
The grand opening events will start at 3 p.m. June 16 and continue until 7 p.m.
The new municipal center will include community meeting rooms, municipal government offices, the police department and the township's branch of the Somerset County Library System.
“The new municipal center has been designed to serve as a community gathering place, something that our community has long sought, and which has proven even more essential after two years of a pandemic that kept members of our community in relative isolation," Keenan said.
In 2000, the township's population was 17,841, almost doubled from what it was in 1990, when the current municipal building was last expanded. According to the 2020 Census, Montgomery's population was 23,690 and is the second wealthiest community of more than 10,000 people in New Jersey.
The municipal center will be on the 45-acre site of the former Convac Tec corporate offices just off Route 206 at the Orchard Road intersection, about a mile from Montgomery's "downtown" at the intersection of the highway and County Route 518.
“The new Montgomery Municipal Center and library are state-of-the-art facilities offering residents enhanced services and amenities that this community truly deserves,” said longtime Montgomery Township Administrator Donato Nieman, “I am sure that the municipal center and library will become the ‘Center’ of Montgomery.”
The Township Committee has introduced an ordinance changing the name of the short road off Orchard Road to the municipal center as Community Drive from Headquarters Park Drive.
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The new center will be approximately 62,500 square feet, including the library branch of 20,000 square feet.
The library will share the first floor of the new center with the police department. Municipal services will be on the second floor. There will be 11 formal meeting rooms, with the largest accommodating 100 people.
For library services, township residents have been patronizing the library system's Mary Jacobs branch in Rocky Hill.
That branch was closed temporarily last month for renovations. The update branch is scheduled to reopen in the fall.
"The Mary Jacobs branch has served the towns of Rocky Hill, Montgomery, and beyond as both a library and community anchor since its groundbreaking in 1974,” said County Library Administrator Brian Auger. “Over the years, it was expanded three times to better serve a growing number of new residents. And now, in yet another transition, the Mary Jacobs branch, following a brief closure as the Montgomery branch opens, will be transformed into a new kind of library service tailored to the needs of the local Rocky Hill community."
Auger said the library system is "grateful for the pioneering work of the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library Foundation, whose passion for library service built the demand that would bring forth libraries in both Montgomery and, once again, in Rocky Hill.”
Township officials are looking forward to the new library.
“The opening of this new state-of-the-art facility, for which we received $5.375 million in state library funds, is cause for celebration,” Keenan said.
“We can't wait to finally open the doors of this beautiful new library where we'll be showcasing new services and fresh takes on familiar ones,” Auger said.
The land for the municipal center was purchased for $5.9 million by the Somerset County Improvement Authority and a construction bid for $25.4 million was awarded to Debco Inc. of Wayne. There is a $30-year loan of $35 million with an interest rate of 1.75%. The annual debt service will be $1.9 million, lower than the initial estimate of $2.2 million when interest rates were higher.
Mike Deak is a reporter for To get unlimited access to his articles on Somerset and Hunterdon counties, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.