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While on a walk with Bo on a cool, bright morning this past week, I remembered that I forgot I was planning on putting out my trail cameras to see what wildlife we haven’t been seeing much of here at Grouse Hollow.
In the past, I have found photos of bucks in velvet, does and fawns, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, squirrels, wild turkeys, several bobcats, our cats, and even a bear.
Ellen and Maggie and Scout were frequently caught on the trail cams.
I get shots of our farmers at work, our other hunters, and a trespasser or two once in a while.
That said, I haven’t seen much of my trail cameras either.
I looked through the flotsam and jetsam piles of displaced tools and white elephants up in the shop, AKA my man cave.
I found a few things I didn’t even know I lost. There were several tubes of crossbow lube, some lighted arrow nocks still in a sealed package, a wire stripper tool, the cover for my mostly retired ice auger, the missing since Christmas 2,000 bag of icicle lights, a jug of Wet and Forget and the sprayer I used last year, a feather-lite turkey decoy under a piece of carpet, and more — but no trail cameras.
I did get reminded to get out my ice fishing flasher and ice cam batteries and get them charged up. The best hunts often end up without finding what you are looking for, probably not this one as it will cost a couple hundred bucks to get new cameras if I want to see bucks and other critters in our woods.
We shall see I hope.
On another brilliant Sunday morning, El and I headed the Outback down the river road.
The Bad Ax was muddy and the Mississippi looked low. We did have nearly 4 inches of rain between Saturday and Sunday, so that might change a bit.
Anyway, we were on our way to the first Uppena family reunion since 2019 at the Burton Community Center. When you walk in there one is immediately touched by the aromatic scent of hot dishes and fried chicken.
The smiles of recognition and hugs from so many El’s cousins, too. Her cousin Steve came over for a hug and to talk a bit about some memories from when they were kids out on the farm.
I fielded a couple questions about my recent e-bike experience (I love it.) We sat with Ellen’s cousin Sue Uppena Pleumer and Trish Uppena Huber and with Janet Uppena, who I think we only met once or twice.
Janet was married to Ellen’s late cousin Doug; he was in class with me in high school. She has moved home to Wisconsin and is adjusting to and enjoying retirement.
I talked muscle cars and fishing with Dick Schnering and his son Chuck. El’s sisters Kathy and Barb were there, along with brother-in-law Donnie. El’s cousin Carl and I talked a bit about the farm and my brother Del who owns my Grandma Potter’s farm right next to his farm. We visited with my classmate Curt Uppena and his friend Kim and Curt’s daughter.
It was just good to catch up. Eventually cousin Father Jim Uppena wanted to say a few words and grace before we ate, and for some reason he called on me to get everyone’s attention. I used my rusty piercing whistle and classroom voice to introduce him. (I guess I have a reputation for being loud.) Anyway, after a prayer of thanks, Ellen and I got to partake of a meal I didn’t fix.
The German potato salad was my favorite. There was BBQ and fried chicken and other hot dishes. There was a table just for dessert.
Diabetic that I am, I still filled a plate with peach cobbler, strawberry shortcake bars, brownies, but I stopped with only one cookie, maybe two. I chalked my blood sugar concerns to my old motto, “Somethin’s gotta kill you.”
We enjoyed the picture board of past reunions shared by Ellen’s cousin Pat Anderson. She was snapping more shots with her Nikon all day. Thanks, Pat.
Until next time, get out — it was a good week for family, food and discoveries. I guess I also discovered I could clean up the shop when I am looking for something to do.
I will but my new motto of “It’ll keep” comes into play here. I still have to clean the garage, basement and porch, too. I did find my trail cameras right where I put them last winter — upstairs in the storage room. Duh.
Oh look, it is raining again.
I think I’ll just go sit on the porch with a book.
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