GCM Mining Corp. ("GCM Mining" or the "Company") (TSX: GCM; OTCQX: TPRFF) announced today multiple high-grade intercepts from the latest 32 diamond drill holes, totaling 8,299 meters, from the 2022 in-mine and near-mine drilling programs, as well as a further 28 diamond drill holes, totaling 7,735 meters, from the 2022 brownfield drilling programs at its Segovia Operations, Colombia. The Company also announced the assay results from one additional kick-off diamond drill hole, totaling 748 meters, from the ongoing directional drilling program on the El Silencio Deep Zone.
Significant high-grade intercepts from the latest drill results include:
Serafino Iacono, Executive Chairman of GCM Mining, commented , "Our 2022 drilling programs are continuing to provide us with outstanding results, especially on the back of a 14% increase in our Measured and Indicated Resources and a 41% increase in our Inferred Resources, both as reported in our press release dated March 24, 2022. Today's announcement of our latest exploration results continues to highlight the potential to extend the mine life and grow production at our Sandra K and El Silencio mines from known in-mine and near-mine exploration targets. Additional high-grade results from the Marmajito and Cristales veins are shaping up our ongoing brownfield drilling campaign, focused on the other 24 known veins we are not currently mining. The sustained investment in geology and exploration by the Company continues to deliver high quality ounces on which to leverage future production and growth initiatives. We look forward to moving these and a number of other promising exploration projects forward in the coming months."
The ongoing 2022 in-mine and near-mine in-fill and step-out drilling campaign commenced in early January with eight diamond drill rigs operating from purpose-built underground drill stations and surface drill platforms and comprises a total of up to 67,000 meters at its four producing mines, including up to 15,000 meters of underground in-fill drilling, for about 74% of the total drilling programs for this year. In and near-mine in-fill and step-out drilling is focused on replacing the 2022 mining production and organic growth through resource conversion to expand the current reserves at the Company's core operating mines. Approximately 16% of the total in-mine and near-mine drilling programs for this year was completed by the end of April, the cut-off date for results reported in this press release.
The other 26% of the planned drilling campaign for 2022, comprising up to approximately 24,000 meters, is focused on defining new resources from the brownfield exploration targets covering the 24 veins within the Segovia mining title that are not currently in production. Approximately 32% of the brownfield exploration drilling programs for this year were completed by the end of April, the cut-off date for results reported in this press release.
GCM Mining currently has a total of 10 diamond drill rigs in operation at Segovia distributed as follows:
In-mine in-fill drilling from underground station SK5680, installed off Level 6, was completed in early March with additional 11 drill holes totaling 1,147 meters. This program was intended to better delineate and further extend down-plunge a cluster of narrow, discontinuous, high-grade zones to approximately future Level 9, outlined by previous mining on the upper levels, which occur at the northernmost end of the Sandra K Mine. Drilling confirmed the continuity of the Sandra K Vein System to the north, but most results were disappointing, except for drill hole SK-IU-216, which returned 6.46 g/t Au with 159.8 g/t Ag over 0.32 meters on the Sandra K Techo Vein.
Step-out exploration drilling from surface platform SK6020, located at the northernmost end of the northern fault block of the Sandra K Vein System, delimited by a set of faults striking NE and steeply dipping to the north related to the Lejanias Fault System, was completed with an additional drill hole totaling 495 meters. This program was designed on a 150 m x 150 m drill spacing and was aimed to extend down-dip the main vein system from future Level 9 to Level 15 and along strike. This drilling was extremely successful confirming the down-plunge extension of the cluster of narrow discontinuous, high-grade zones tested by drilling on underground station SK5680. Drill hole SK-IU-032 intercepted the deepest, high-grade intersection of the Sandra K Vein System encountered so far, some 200 meters vertically below the deepest level of the ongoing operation, returning 20.17 g/t Au with 887.0 g/t Ag over 0.53 meters on the Sandra K Techo Vein.
Additional step-out exploration drilling from surface platform SK5430, still located on the northern fault block of the Sandra K Vein System, was completed with 7 drill holes totaling 2,989 meters. This program was designed on an 80 m x 100 m drill spacing and was aimed to extend down-plunge the Sandra K main ore-shoot. Drilling was successful in demonstrating continuity together with high grades at depth, extending the mineralization down-plunge by 200 meters. Multiple high gold grades were intersected with maximum intersection grades of 146.33 g/t Au with 712.6 g/t Ag over 0.30 meters (SK-ES-035).
Exploration drilling from surface platform SK4950 was completed with an additional 4 drill holes totaling 2,294 meters. This drilling was designed to test the southern fault block of the Sandra K Vein System, south of the main mine area, confirming that results continue to be so erratic that it has not yet been possible to clearly define a sector of interest for the operation. There are some drill holes of interest, such as drill hole SK-ES-36 that returned 12.72 g/t Au with 19.7 g/t Ag over 0.90 meters on the Sandra K Techo Vein, but in-fill drilling is warranted to test the continuity of the mineralization.
In-mine exploration drilling from underground station ES4950, installed on Level 38 of the El Silencio Mine, was designed to test the continuity of the 450 and 450-FW veins close to the mine workings on the Nacional Vein, and to explore the Manto Vein that occurs in the footwall of the Nacional Vein. The 450 Vein, discovered by directional drilling in 2020, is interpreted as a low angle vein or manto that occurs in the hanging-wall of the Nacional Vein, some 40 meters vertically above. Drilling was successful in demonstrating the continuity of the 450 Vein together with high grades. Multiple high gold grades were intersected from 9 drill holes totaling 974 meters, with maximum intersection grades of 271.16 g/t Au with 142.9 g/t Ag over 0.88 meters (ES-EU-047).
The ongoing directional drilling program on the El Silencio Deep Zone is targeted to extend and better delineate the southern ore-shoot down-plunge below Level 40, the deepest level of historical mining on the Manto Vein.
Mother hole ES-MH09 (440 m deep) intercepted two unknown structures at depths of 97.0 meters and 267.0 meters, which returned 11.32 g/t Au with 13.0 g/t Ag over 0.39 meters and 9.28 g/t Au with 13.4 g/t Ag over 0.79 meters , respectively.
A medium grade intercept was intersected from kick-off hole ES-MH09-01 (748 meters) with intersection grades of 6.32 g/t Au with 4.9 g/t Ag over 0.52 meters on the 450 Vein.
The table below lists the key intercepts from the ongoing 2022 in-mine and near mine drilling campaigns that were received since the press release issued on March 16, 2022:
* Denotes underground drill holes. The underground in-fill holes were drilled at 49 to -90 degrees from the horizontal. Sample interval grades over 6.0 g/t Au are reported. Grades are for quartz vein intersections and are length-weighted composites. The width is the sample length and is not necessarily the true width of the vein. All gold and silver grades are uncut and are not diluted to a minimum mining width.
** Denotes directional drilling mother and kick-off holes. Sample interval grades over 6.0 g/t Au are reported.
Vein name abbreviations: Vein. SKT: Sandra K Techo Vein. 450: 450 Vein. 450-HW: 450 Hanging Wall Vein. NAL: Nacional Vein. SNO: unnamed veins.
Results from in-mine exploration and in-fill drilling are reported for 20 holes (2,521 m) including: 11 holes (1,547 m) at Sandra K (SK-IU-207 to SK-IU-217); and 9 holes (974 m) at El Silencio (ES-EU-040 to ES -EU-048). There are no results above cut-off grade for 10 holes at Sandra K and 5 holes at El Silencio, so these holes are not listed in the table above.
Results from step-out surface exploration drilling are reported for 12 holes (5,778 m) from Sandra K (SK-ES-032 to SK-ES-043). There are no results above cut-off grade for 6 holes, which are not listed in the table above.
Results from directional drilling from one purpose-built station on Level 3 at Sandra K are reported from 1 kick-off hole (ES-MH09-01), totaling 748 meters, drilled on the southern ore-shoot. In addition, 440 meters were drilled in one mother hole (ES-MH-009).
Please refer also to the attached illustrative maps showing the Sandra K and El Silencio drilling programs.
Exploration drilling from surface station VER5420 was designed to test the continuity of the Lluvias Vein on the northern fault block of the Vera Vein System, east to the Vera Mine, with 4 drill holes totaling 816.0 meters. Drill hole VER-ES-032 and its re-drill hole VER-ES-032A intercepted the same zone of veining in the hanging-wall of the Lluvia Vein at a depth of 87.0 meters, which returned 9.89 g/t Au with 370.8 g/t Ag over 0.47 meters and 8.81 g/t Au with 479.9 g/t Ag over 0.54 meters , respectively. A low-grade intercept was intersected from drill hole VER-ES-032 (264 meters) with intersection grades of 3.66 g/t Au and 151.0 g/t Ag over 0.30 m on the Vera Vein.
The exploration drilling program on the Marmajito Vein from underground station MAR5380, installed on the exploration ramp that starts from Level 15 of the Providencia mine and leads to the western extension of the Marmajito mine workings, was suspended when drill hole MAR-EU-020 intercepted an unknown confined water source with a very high flow rate that prevented normal drilling operations, putting the safety of the drillers at risk. Since the beginning of January 5 drill holes had been completed for a total of 1,662 meters. This program was aimed to follow up a high-grade intercept encountered by drilling from the previous drill station PV5630, also installed on the same ramp. Drilling was successful in confirming the up-dip continuity of the Marmajito Vein with maximum intersection grades of 8.61 g/t Au with 5.8 g/t Ag over 0.50 meters on the Marmajito Vein (MAR-EU-018).
Drilling from surface platform CR6550 was designed to test the down-plunge extension of the La Guarida Mine ore-shoot within a structural block delimited by two NW trending faults. A total of 9 drill holes, totaling 3,320 meters, were completed. Drill holes CR-ES-038, CR-ES-039, CR-ES-041, CR-ES-045, CR-ES-047 and CR-ES-047A intercepted a vein over an average depth of 360 meters interpreted as the structure corresponding to the southeastern extension of the Cristales Vein. Multiple high gold grades were intersected, with maximum intersection grades of 48.45 g/t Au with 34.2 g/t Ag over 0.47 meters (CR-ES-047A).
Additional surface exploration drilling from drill platform CR7150, located to the north of the Cristales Mine, was designed to test the up-dip extension of the Cristales Vein. A total of 5 drill holes, totaling 792 meters, were completed with maximum intersection grades of 16.22 g/t Au with 7.8 g/t Ag over 0.62 meters on the Cristales Vein (CR-ES-035).
The table below lists the key intercepts from the 2022 brownfield drilling campaign that were received since the press release issued on March 16, 2022:
* Denotes underground drill holes. The underground holes were drilled at 9 to 33 degrees from the horizontal. Sample interval grades over 6.0 g/t Au are reported. Grades are for quartz vein intersections and are length-weighted composites. The width is the sample length and is not necessarily the true width of the vein. All gold and silver grades are uncut and are not diluted to a minimum mining width.
Vein name abbreviations: Vein. MAR: Marmajito Vein. VER: Vera Vein. CRI: Cristales Vein. SNO: unnamed veins.
Results from brownfield exploration drilling are reported for 28 holes (7,735 m) including: 5 holes (1,326 m) at Vera (VER-ES-029 to VER-ES-032A) of which one was lost; 4 holes (1,298 m) at Marmajito (MAR-EU-016 to MAR-EU-019) and 19 holes (5,111 m) on the La Guarida-Cristales Vein System (CR-ES-031B and CR-ES-034 to CR-ES-048) of which three were lost. There are no results above cut-off grade for 3 holes at Vera, 2 holes at Marmajito and 11 holes on La Guarida-Cristales Vein System, so these holes are not listed in the table.
Please refer also to the attached illustrative maps showing the Vera, Marmajito and La Guarida-Cristales Vein System drilling programs.
Dr. Stewart D. Redwood, PhD, FIMMM, FGS, Senior Consulting Geologist to the Company, is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure or Mineral Projects and prepared or reviewed the preparation of the scientific and technical information in this press release. Verification included a review of the quality assurance and quality control samples, and review of the applicable assay databases and assay certificates.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
The Segovia samples were prepared and assayed by SGS Laboratories Ltd (ISO 9001:2008) at their laboratory in Medellin. Gold was assayed by 30 g fire assay with atomic absorption spectrophotometer ("AAS") finish. Samples above the upper detection limit of 10.0 g/t gold were re-assayed by 30 g fire assay with gravimetric finish. Silver was assayed by aqua regia digestion and AAS finish. Silver samples above 500 g/t were re-assayed by nitric and hydrochloric acid digestion with AAS finish for ore grades and the highest in grade were double-checked by SGS Laboratories Ltd. in Lima, Peru. Blank, standard and duplicate samples were routinely inserted and monitored for quality assurance and quality control.
GCM Mining is a mid-tier gold producer with a proven track record of mine building and operating in Latin America. In Colombia, the Company is currently the largest underground gold and silver producer with several mines in operation at its high-grade Segovia Operations. In Guyana, the Company is advancing the Toroparu Project, one of the largest undeveloped gold projects in the Americas. GCM Mining also owns approximately 44% of Aris Gold Corporation (TSX: ARIS) (Colombia – Marmato), an approximately 32% equity interest in Denarius Metals Corp. (TSX-V: DSLV) (Spain – Lomero-Poyatos; Colombia – Guia Antigua and Zancudo) and an approximately 26% equity interest in Western Atlas Resources Inc. (TSX-V: WA) (Nunavut – Meadowbank).
Additional information on GCM Mining can be found on its website at www.gcm-mining.com and by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains "forward-looking information", which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to anticipated business plans or strategies, including exploration programs and mineral resources and reserves. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of GCM Mining to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements are described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated as of March 31, 2022 which is available for view on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this press release and GCM Mining disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
For Further Information, Contact: Mike Davies Chief Financial Officer (416) 360-4653 investorrelations@gcm-mining.com
Attachment 1 – Sandra K Mine In-mine In-fill and Surface Step-out Drilling Grade Intercepts https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/f428e55b-573c-4898-9e45-14ba164884d7
Attachment 2 – Cross section A-A' of the Sandra K Vein System https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b77bd8c7-8c13-405b-9100-06af9822ff8c
Attachment 3 – Cross section B-B' of the Sandra K Vein System https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/aef324c4-dfca-4b82-a05c-686f729164f5
Attachment 4 – El Silencio Deep vein system In-fill Drilling Grade Intercepts https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a903e528-7b1b-45a2-af82-c5f641da3396
Attachment 5 – Cross section of the El Silencio Deep Vein System https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c0b705a6-8511-4ed7-a475-a75630259891
Attachment 6 – Vera Project Drilling Grade Intercepts https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/24586a32-e2a0-4273-bed0-c12e6f9ec5f5
Attachment 7 – Cross section of the Vera Vein System https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/434994ab-fcd8-4077-b5a9-2e8f033d9f97
Attachment 8 – Marmajito Vein Drilling Grade Intercepts https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a75f48bb-03fb-44eb-b22e-814cb539d30b
Attachment 9 – Cross section of the Marmajito Vein System https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/518d4cd7-5cb3-4938-b153-c59689464a0b
Attachment 10 – La Guarida-Cristales Trend Drilling Grade Intercepts https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/715d72ee-17ee-4e26-9b28-a92d2a492dd8
Attachment 11 – Cross section of the La Guarida-Cristales Vein System https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b51ba468-8a25-4983-a3fa-3206c5778f6c
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
Colombia is a top mining district. As an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member country with a growing economy, and one of the lowest inflation rates in Latin America, it is hard to ignore how highly prospective the mining sector of this thriving and vibrant country has become.
Colombia hosts high-grade underground mines and a rich history of mining across various commodities like gold, silver and copper. With the right exploration and production company, discovering the true potential of the country’s widespread mineralized landscape could present tremendous economic potential, yield and expansive growth.
GCM Mining (TSX:GCM,OTCQX:TPRFF) is a mid-tier gold producer focused on exploring, developing and producing high-grade gold, silver and polymetallic minerals, across its high-quality project portfolio in the mining districts of Colombia and Guyana.
GCM Mining pays monthly dividends to shareholders, accordingly maintaining a range of equity interests in multiple companies. These include Aris (TSX: ARIS) , at 44.25 percent in the Marmato mine in Colombia and Denarius Metals (TSXV:DSLV) at 28.6 percent in the Lomero-Poyatos mine in Spain and the Guia Antigua and Zancudo projects in Colombia. It also holds 26 percent equity in Western Atlas Resources (TSXV:WA) in the Meadowbank mine in Nunavut, Canada.
In Colombia, GCM Mining stands as the largest underground gold and silver producer with several mines in operation at its high-grade Segovia asset, which consistently ranks in the world’s highest-grade mines. GCM Mining presents exceptional mine building and operating expertise across Latin America.
Its flagship Segovia operations is a world-class, multi-million-ounce high-grade gold mining operation that has been producing gold for more than 150 years. Located in a gold mining complex in Colombia’s Segovia-Remedios mining district in the Department of Antioquia, the project hosts production from four underground mines: Providencia, El Silencio, Sandra K and Carla. GCM Mining’s cumulative gold production from 2011 through 2020 stands at approximately 1.3 million ounces from processing 3.1 million tonnes of material at an average head grade of 13.8 g/t.
GCM Mining’s second gold operation is its Toroparu gold deposit in the Upper Puruni River region of western Guyana. The deposit lies within the Puruni Shear Corridor, a geologic feature that can be traced into the Malawi goldfields of eastern Venezuela. Toroparu presents the company with significant resource growth possibilities and exciting widespread gold exploration potential.
GCM Mining also owns approximately 27 percent equity interest in Denarius (TSXV:DSLV), a Canadian mining company with its principal focus on the Lomero Project in Spain and the Guia Antigua and Zancudo Projects in Colombia. Additional equity investments include approximately 44 percent of Aris Gold Corporation (TSX:ARIS) and an approximately 26 percent equity interest in Western Atlas Resources Inc. (TSXV:WA), which have assets in Colombia and Canada.
The next steps for the company include completing its PEA on Toroparu by year end 2021 and complying and releasing exciting drill results from ongoing significant exploration at Segovia. After modernizing its Colombian operations, GCM Mining continues to run a tight ship at Segovia.
In August 2021, GCM Mining completed an offering of US$300 million of 6.875 percent senior unsecured notes due 2026. This financing follows the company’s released balance sheet for June 2021 which revealed solid liquidity with total cash of US$57.8 million, working capital of US$59.3 million, and monthly dividend payments as outlined by GCM Mining.
Net proceeds of this offering, plus funding to come from a stream agreement with Wheaton, mean full funding of the construction of the Toroparu gold-copper project operations and no marketplace dilutive equity financings. “We are delighted with the overwhelming success of this offering, one which attracted high-quality institutional and retail investors who recognized our focus on a strong credit profile and growth through diversification,” commented Serafino Iacono, Executive Chairman of GCM Mining.
GCM Mining aims to become a dominant mid-tier gold producer. As it stands the company’s robust project portfolio put it on track to achieving positive growth trends in its corporate valuation. In 2021, GCM Mining estimates its guidance could hover upwards of 200,000 ounces of gold production with the possibility to double that yield in 24 months with the construction of Toroparu.
The 100-percent-owned Segovia operations covers an area of approximately 9,000 hectares made up of several mines including El Silencio, Sandra K, Providencia and Carla in the Segovia-Remedios mining district of Antioquia, Colombia. For more than 100 years, Segovia has produced over six million ounces of gold.
After project acquisition in 2010, GCM Mining initiated an extensive exploration and drilling program around the existing mines to identify new resources. This led to the production of over 1.3 million ounces of gold with an average head grade of 13.8 g/t. In 2020, Segovia produced 196,000 with an average head grade of 14.5 g/t. Through sustainable investment, modernization and efficient mining practices, the company has been able to create a high-yield and economically viable operation at Segovia.
2021 exploration and development programs included an extensive 60,000 meters of drilling with 40,000 meters dedicated to the ongoing in-mine and near-mine drill program at its four operating mines and 20,000 meters dedicated to its highest priority brownfield targets on 24 known veins.
GCM Mining’s efforts yielded a total of 206,389 ounces throughout the 2021. Its 2022 projections range between 210,000 and 225,000 ounces of gold.
The Toroparu Project sits in the highly prospective Upper Puruni River region of western Guyana and contains one of the largest in-situ gold projects owned by an independent junior mining company in South America. The asset leverages completed primary permits, road and air access and excellent facilities including a 150-person camp and 2,500-foot all-weather airfield. GCM Mining’s 100 percent controlled Upper Puruni Concession contains 53,283-hectares of mineral leases located in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region.
Toroparu hosts several satellite deposit targets within its surrounding twenty-by-seven-kilometer hydrothermal alteration halo. A June 2019 PEA of the property suggested expansion of production with the addition of Sona Hill satellite deposit resources to the mine plan and highlighted a 7.353 million ounces of Measured & Indicated gold resource and 3.150 million ounces of Inferred gold resource and 4.5 million ounces of gold production over 24‐year mine life.
GCM Mining plans to commence formal construction in Q3 2022. Projected receipt of the final mining license is mid-2022. Considering the pre-construction activities underway, the company anticipates that production to begin in early 2024.
Serafino Iacono has over thirty years of experience in capital markets and public companies and has raised more than four billion dollars for numerous natural resource projects internationally. He is currently a director and chairman of Western Atlas Resources Inc. and is a former co-chairman and an executive director of Pacific Exploration and Production Corporation and a former director of Petromagdalena Energy Corp. Iacono was also a co-founder of Bolivar Gold Corp and Pacific Stratus Energy, among others and is involved in numerous resource and business ventures in Latin America, Canada and the United States.
Lombardo Paredes has over 20 years of corporate leadership and operations management experience in the resource sector in Latin America. Before becoming an independent consultant on energy and environmental project development, Paredes held several roles within Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). He was responsible for regional planning of investments and social development for Eastern Venezuela and was managing director and a board member of Maraven SA. In this capacity, Arenas was responsible for construction and commissioning of the Cardon Refinery Conversion project in Venezuela and was the general manager of its production operations division. Paredes holds a bachelor’s of science in mechanical engineering and a master’s of economic analysis and financial economics.
Mike Davies is a Chartered Professional Accountant (Ontario) with over 20 years of extensive international and public company experience in financial management, strategic planning and external reporting in resource and other sectors, including management positions with PetroMagdalena Energy Corp., Coalcorp Mining Inc., Medoro Resources Inc., LAC Minerals Ltd. and Pamour/Giant Yellowknife Mines.Davies holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Toronto.
Alessandro Cecchi is an exploration geologist with over 18 years of experience, with a focus on gold exploration and development in South America. Prior to joining GCM Mining, Cecchi was the corporate technical manager at Medoro Resources and also held senior geologist positions at Hecla Mining, Dotly Financial and Gold Mines of Sardinia. He also served as an exploration geologist at Bolivar Goldfields. Cecchi has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology and a Master of Science degree from the University of Tierra in Pisa, Italy.
Jose Noguera Gomez has been VP of Corporate Affairs for GCM Mining since June 2012. His career in the mining and energy sector began in 1993 when he worked with ExxonMobil, responsible for managing the company’s public and government affairs strategy, becoming an effective liaison with the legal, judiciary and congressional branches of government.
Christopher Haldane joined the company as VP of Investor Relations in June 2020. Previously, he served as Manager of Investor Relations at Marathon Gold Corp. from January 2013 to March 2020. Haldane has over twelve years of experience in investor relations and corporate communications for publicly traded mining companies and began his career at one of Canada’s longest established investor relations firms where he was responsible for the management and execution of investor relations programs for several Canadian junior mining and oil and gas companies.
Amanda Fullerton has been the VP of Legal of GCM Mining since March 2019. She has over 12 years of experience in the areas of corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and corporate/commercial law focused primarily in the resource sector, gained through her previous positions at Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd., Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP and Macleod Dixon LLP.Fullerton holds an LL.B. from the University of Ottawa and a Bachelor of Medical Science degree in Physiology from Western University.
GCM Mining Corp. ("GCM Mining" or the "Company") (TSX: GCM, OTCQX: TPRFF) announced today that its Board of Directors has declared the next monthly dividend of CA$0.015 per common share will be paid on June 15, 2022 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on May 31, 2022.
GCM Mining is a mid-tier gold producer with a proven track record of mine building and operating in Latin America. In Colombia, the Company is a leading high-grade underground gold and silver producer with several mines in operation at its Segovia Operations. Segovia produced 206,389 ounces of gold in 2021. In Guyana, the Company is advancing its fully funded Toroparu Project, one of the largest undeveloped gold/copper projects in the Americas, which is expected to commence production of more than 200,000 ounces of gold annually in 2024. GCM Mining pays a monthly dividend to its shareholders and has equity interests in Aris Gold Corporation (~44%; TSX: ARIS; Colombia – Marmato, Soto Norte; Canada - Juby), Denarius Metals Corp. (~29%; TSX-V: DSLV; Spain – Lomero-Poyatos and Colombia – Guia Antigua, Zancudo) and Western Atlas Resources Inc. (~26%; TSX-V: WA: Nunavut – Meadowbank).
Additional information on GCM Mining can be found on its website at www.gcm-mining.com and by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information:
This news release contains "forward-looking information", which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the payment of dividends and other anticipated business plans or strategies. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of GCM Mining to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements are described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated as of March 31, 2022 which is available for view on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this press release and GCM Mining disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
For Further Information, Contact: Mike Davies Chief Financial Officer (416) 360-4653 investorrelations@gcm-mining.com
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
GCM Mining Corp. (TSX: GCM; OTCQX: TPRFF) announced today the release of its unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements and accompanying management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) for the three months ended March 31, 2022. All financial figures contained herein are expressed in U.S. dollars ("USD") unless otherwise noted. Non-GAAP financial performance measures in this press release are identified with " NG ". For a detailed description of each of the non-GAAP measures used in this press release and a detailed reconciliation to the most directly comparable measure under IFRS, please refer to the Company's MD&A.
Lombardo Paredes, Chief Executive Officer of GCM Mining, commenting on the first quarter results, said, "We have started off 2022 on a positive note, meeting our expectations for production, costs and cash flow in the first quarter. We are on track to once again meet our annual production guidance for 2022. Following the favorable Mineral Reserve and Resource update at Segovia that we announced in March, our exploration and mine geology teams have continued to execute the ongoing drilling campaigns at our four producing mines and the brownfield areas in our mining title. At our Toroparu Project in Guyana, we are advancing the infill drilling and the pre-construction activities. We are also completing the competitive bid process for the contract miner and selection processes for the power plant contractor and main civil works contractor are getting underway. We are on track to finalize the prefeasibility study in the third quarter of 2022, at which point formal construction of the project is expected to commence. The Company is also working with the local governmental agencies to finalize the mining license which is expected to be received in mid-2022."
(1) Includes production from the Marmato Project up to February 4, 2021, the date of loss of control of Aris. (2) Refer to "Non-IFRS Measures" in the Company's MD&A.
(1) The Company is maintaining a portion of its liquidity in gold bullion. As at March 31, 2022, the Company had 1,500 ounces in its gold bullion account (December 31, 2021 – 2,500 ounces). (2) The Senior Notes were issued in August 2021 and are recorded in the Financial Statements at amortized cost. At March 31, 2022, the carrying amount of the Senior Notes outstanding, including accrued interest of $3.0 million, was $291.2 million (December 31, 2021 - $294.8 million, including $8.1 million of accrued interest). (3) The Convertible Debentures are recorded in the Financial Statements at fair value. At March 31, 2022, the carrying amount of the Convertible Debentures outstanding was $20.2 million (December 31, 2021 - $19.5 million).
As a reminder, GCM Mining will host a conference call and webcast on Friday, May 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss the results.
Webcast and call-in details are as follows:
A replay of the webcast will be available at www.gcm-mining.com from Friday, May 13, 2022 until Friday, June 10, 2022.
GCM Mining is a mid-tier gold producer with a proven track record of mine building and operating in Latin America. In Colombia, the Company is the leading high-grade underground gold and silver producer with several mines in operation at Segovia Operations. Segovia produced 206,000 ounces of gold in 2021. In Guyana, the Company is advancing its fully funded Toroparu Project, one of the largest undeveloped gold/copper projects in the Americas, which is expected to commence production of more than 200,000 ounces of gold annually in 2024. GCM Mining pays a monthly dividend to its shareholders and has equity interests in Aris Gold Corporation (44%; TSX: ARIS; Colombia – Marmato), Denarius Metals Corp. (28.6%; TSXV: DSLV; Spain – Lomero-Poyatos and Colombia – Guia Antigua, Zancudo) and Western Atlas Resources Inc. (26%; TSX-V: WA: Nunavut – Meadowbank).
Additional information on GCM Mining can be found on its website at www.gcm-mining.com and by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information:
This news release contains "forward-looking information", which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to production guidance, the Toroparu Project construction, mining license and technical studies, and other anticipated business plans or strategies. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of GCM Mining to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements are described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated as of March 31, 2022 which is available for view on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this press release and GCM Mining disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
For Further Information, Contact: Mike Davies Chief Financial Officer (416) 360-4653 investorrelations@gcm-mining.com
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
GCM Mining Corp. ("GCM Mining" or the "Company") (TSX: GCM, OTCQX: TPRFF) announced today that it has filed an updated Prefeasibility Study technical report for its Segovia Operations (the "Technical Report") pursuant to National Instrument 43 ‐ 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43‐101"). The Technical Report, which supports the disclosure made by the Company in its March 24, 2022 news release and its 2021 Annual MD&A dated March 31, 2022, was prepared by SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. and is based on the updated Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource estimates for the Segovia Operations with an effective date of December 31, 2021.
GCM Mining is a mid-tier gold producer with a proven track record of mine building and operating in Latin America. In Colombia, the Company is a leading high-grade underground gold and silver producer with several mines in operation at its Segovia Operations. Segovia produced 206,389 ounces of gold in 2021. In Guyana, the Company is advancing its fully funded Toroparu Project, one of the largest undeveloped gold/copper projects in the Americas, which is expected to commence production of more than 200,000 ounces of gold annually in 2024. GCM Mining pays a monthly dividend to its shareholders and has equity interests in Aris Gold Corporation (~44%; TSX: ARIS; Colombia – Marmato, Soto Norte; Canada - Juby), Denarius Metals Corp. (~29%; TSX-V: DSLV; Spain – Lomero-Poyatos and Colombia – Guia Antigua, Zancudo) and Western Atlas Resources Inc. (~26%; TSX-V: WA: Nunavut – Meadowbank).
Additional information on GCM Mining can be found on its website at www.gcm-mining.com and by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information:
This news release contains "forward-looking information", which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to anticipated business plans or strategies. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of GCM Mining to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements are described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated as of March 31, 2022 which is available for view on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this press release and GCM Mining disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
For Further Information, Contact: Mike Davies Chief Financial Officer (416) 360-4653 investorrelations@gcm-mining.com
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
GCM Mining Corp. ("GCM Mining" or the "Company") (TSX: GCM, OTCQX: TPRFF) announced today that it produced a total of 16,293 ounces of gold in March 2022 at its Segovia Operations bringing the total for the first quarter of 2022 to 49,951 ounces compared with 49,058 ounces from Segovia in the first quarter of 2021. In the first quarter of 2022, the Company also produced 89,782 ounces of silver at Segovia, up from 57,315 ounces of silver in the first quarter last year, together with approximately 252,000 pounds of zinc and 338,000 pounds of lead. Consolidated gold production of 51,486 ounces in the first quarter last year also included 2,428 ounces from Marmato up to February 4, 2021, the date of the loss of control of Aris Gold Corporation.
GCM Mining's trailing 12-months' total gold production at the end of March 2022 was 207,282 ounces, up about 0.4% over last year. The Company remains on track to meet its 2022 annual production guidance of 210,000 to 225,000 ounces of gold.
GCM Mining processed a total of 52,292 tonnes in March 2022 at its Maria Dama plant at Segovia, representing a daily processing rate of 1,687 tonnes per day ("tpd"), compared with 48,518 tonnes and 1,565 tpd in March 2021. Segovia's head grades averaged 10.8 g/t in March 2022 compared with 13.3 g/t in March last year. For the first quarter of 2022, a total of 142,819 tonnes, equivalent to 1,587 tpd, were processed at Segovia at an average head grade of 12.1 g/t compared with a total of 132,289 tonnes, equivalent to 1,470 tpd, at an average head grade of 12.8 g/t in the first quarter last year.
The Company's polymetallic plant at Segovia operated for 86 days in the first quarter of 2022 processing an average of approximately 103 tpd of tailings resulting in the production of approximately 307 tonnes of zinc concentrate and approximately 279 tonnes of lead concentrate. The concentrate production is being stockpiled as the Company finalizes discussions currently in process for offtake contracts. Payable production from the concentrates in the first quarter of 2022 is estimated to total approximately 252,000 pounds of zinc, 338,000 pounds of lead, approximately 27,800 ounces of silver and less than 100 ounces of gold. Actual payable quantities are subject to change and will be finalized once the concentrates are shipped.
GCM Mining announced today that its Board of Directors has declared the next monthly dividend of CA$0.015 per common share will be paid on May 16, 2022 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on April 29, 2022.
GCM Mining announced today that it will release its first quarter 2022 results after market close on Thursday, May 12, 2022 and will host a conference call and webcast on Friday, May 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss the results.
Webcast and call-in details are as follows:
A replay of the webcast will be available at www.gcm-mining.com from Friday, May 13, 2022 until Friday, June 10, 2022.
GCM Mining is a mid-tier gold producer with a proven track record of mine building and operating in Latin America. In Colombia, the Company is a leading high-grade underground gold and silver producer with several mines in operation at its Segovia Operations. Segovia produced 206,389 ounces of gold in 2021. In Guyana, the Company is advancing its fully funded Toroparu Project, one of the largest undeveloped gold/copper projects in the Americas, which is expected to commence production of more than 200,000 ounces of gold annually in 2024. GCM Mining pays a monthly dividend to its shareholders and has equity interests in Aris Gold Corporation (~44%; TSX: ARIS; Colombia – Marmato, Soto Norte; Canada - Juby), Denarius Metals Corp. (~29%; TSX-V: DSLV; Spain – Lomero-Poyatos and Colombia – Guia Antigua, Zancudo) and Western Atlas Resources Inc. (~26%; TSX-V: WA: Nunavut – Meadowbank).
Additional information on GCM Mining can be found on its website at www.gcm-mining.com and by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information:
This news release contains "forward-looking information", which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to production guidance, the payment of dividends, timing for dissemination of first quarter 2022 financial results and other anticipated business plans or strategies. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of GCM Mining to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements are described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated as of March 31, 2022 which is available for view on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this press release and GCM Mining disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
For Further Information, Contact: Mike Davies Chief Financial Officer (416) 360-4653 investorrelations@gcm-mining.com
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
GCM Mining Corp. (TSX: GCM; OTCQX: TPRFF) announced today that it filed an early warning report in connection with the acquisition of senior unsecured convertible debenture units (the " Debenture ") in the amount of US$35,000,000 (the " Principal Amount ") of Aris Gold Acquisition Corp. (the " AcquisitionCo "), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aris Gold Corporation (" Aris ") (the " Offering ").
Aris intends to use the Principal Amount to pay a portion of the purchase price for the acquisition, through a joint venture company, of a 20% ownership interest in Soto Norte gold project in Colombia.
The Debenture shall pay interest at 7.5% per annum, payable monthly, and may be converted, in whole or in part, into common shares of Aris (the " Aris Common Shares ") at a conversion price of US$1.75 (the " Conversion "), equal to a maximum number of 20,000,000 Aris Common Shares being issuable upon Conversion, subject to adjustments. The Debenture has an expiry date of October 12, 2023 (the " Maturity Date "), or such further date as the parties may agree, and Aris shall pay the Principal Amount upon the Maturity Date to the Company, subject to earlier Conversion by the Company.
By virtue of its acquisition of the Debenture, GCM Mining is required to file an early warning report pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 – The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues . A copy of the Early Warning Report to which this press release relates will be available under Aris's profile on SEDAR www.sedar.com or by contacting Amanda Fullerton at 416-360-4653 or afullerton@gcm-mining.com .
Prior to the Offering, GCM Mining controlled, either directly or indirectly, no securities of AcquisitionCo, and with regard to securities of Aris, approximately: (i) 60,991,545 Aris Common Shares, representing approximately 44.25% of the 137,832,940 issued and outstanding Aris Common Shares; (ii) 25,944,445 warrants of Aris Gold (" Aris Warrants "), representing approximately 29.64% of the 87,531,250 issued and outstanding Aris Warrants; and (iii) $9,640,523 of the 2027 Gold-Linked Notes of Aris. If the Principal Amount of the Debenture is converted in full at the conversion price of US$1.75 per Aris Common Share, GCM Mining would acquire ownership and control of an additional 20,000,000 Aris Common Shares, representing approximately 12.67% of the then-issued and outstanding Aris Common Shares post-conversion, and would have control and direction over a total of 80,991,545 Aris Common Shares, representing approximately 51.31% of the then-issued and outstanding Aris Common Shares post-conversion. Assuming exercise of its Aris Warrants when combined with its existing ownership, GCM Mining would have control and direction over 106,935,990 Aris Common Shares representing 58.19% on a partially diluted basis of the then outstanding Aris Common Shares. Notwithstanding the foregoing, GCM Mining may not exercise its conversion rights under the Debenture in respect of more than 13,645,461 Aris Common Shares without prior approval of the TSX and until approval thereof by the shareholders of Aris.
GCM Mining acquired the Debenture for investment purposes. GCM Mining may increase or decrease its ownership of securities of Aris, whether in the open market, by privately negotiated agreements or otherwise, subject to a number of factors, including general market conditions and other available investment and business opportunities. GCM Mining expects to evaluate on an ongoing basis Aris' financial condition, results of operations, business and prospects, the market price of Aris Common Shares, conditions in securities markets generally and in the market for shares of companies like Aris, general economic and industry conditions and other factors GCM Mining deems relevant to its investment decisions. Based on such evaluations, GCM Mining may at any time or from time to time determine to acquire additional Aris Common Shares, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Aris or derivatives relating to shares, or to dispose of shares or securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares or derivatives relating to shares GCM Mining owns or may hereafter acquire, through open market or privately negotiated transactions or otherwise, at such prices and on such terms as GCM Mining deems advisable. In addition, based on GCM Mining's continuing evaluation of the foregoing factors, GCM Mining reserves the right to change its plans and intentions at any time or from time to time, as it deems appropriate.
GCM Mining is a mid-tier gold producer with a proven track record of mine building and operating in Latin America. In Colombia, the Company is the leading high-grade underground gold and silver producer with several mines in operation at Segovia Operations. Segovia produced 206,000 ounces of gold in 2021. In Guyana, the Company is advancing its fully funded Toroparu Project, one of the largest undeveloped gold/copper projects in the Americas, which is expected to commence production of more than 200,000 ounces of gold annually in 2024. GCM Mining pays a monthly dividend to its shareholders and has equity interests in Aris (44.25%; TSX: ARIS; Colombia – Marmato), Denarius Metals Corp. (28.6%; TSXV:DSLV; Spain – Lomero-Poyatos and Colombia – Guia Antigua, Zancudo) and Western Atlas Resources Inc. (26%; TSX-V: WA: Nunavut – Meadowbank).
Additional information on GCM Mining can be found on its website at www.gcm-mining.com and by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains "forward-looking information", which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the Company's investment strategy. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of GCM Mining to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements are described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated as of March 31, 2022 which is available for view on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this press release and GCM Mining disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
For Further Information, Contact: Mike Davies Chief Financial Officer (416) 360-4653 investorrelations@gcm-mining.com
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
Freegold Ventures Limited (TSX: FVL) (Frankfurt: FR4N) (OTCQX:FGOVF) (" Freegold " or the " Company ") is pleased to provide the results of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 30, 2022 (the " Meeting ") and announces that all matters set out in the Management Information Circular dated May 16, 2022 (the " Circular ") were approved by the shareholders of the Company. A total of 96,220,856 shares were voted representing approximately 28.49% of the outstanding shares of the Company.
The following nine nominees were elected as directors of Freegold. The detailed results of the vote for the election of directors are set out below:
At the Meeting, the Company's shareholders also approved the appointment of Davidson & Company LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants as the auditors of the Company for the ensuing year.
Each of the matters voted upon at the Meeting is discussed in detail in the Circular, which is filed under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com .
Freegold is a TSX listed company focused on exploration in Alaska and holds through leases the Golden Summit Gold Project, near Fairbanks , as well as the Shorty Creek Copper –Gold Project near Livengood. Drilling remains ongoing at Golden Summit.
Some statements in this news release contain forward-looking information, including without limitation statements as to planned expenditures and exploration programs. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include without limitation the completion of planned expenditures, the ability to complete exploration programs on schedule and the success of exploration programs. See Freegold's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31st, 2021 filed under Freegold's profile at www.sedar.com for a detailed discussion of the risk factors associated with Freegold's operations.
View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/June2022/30/c3703.html
News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia
Bravada Gold Corporation (TSXV: BVA) (FSE: BRTN) (OTCQB: BGAVF) (the "Company" or "Bravada") reports that the Company will be extending the exercise period of a total of 6,434,000 share purchase warrants, all of which are exercisable at $0.12 per share (collectively, the "Warrants"). The Warrants were issued on July 23, 2018, pursuant to a private placement (see news release NR-07-18) and are scheduled to expire on July 23, 2022. The Company proposes to extend the expiry by one (1) year, and accordingly, the new expiry date for the warrants will be July 23, 2023.
All other terms and conditions of the Warrants remain unchanged. The Warrant extension is subject to acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange.
Bravada's two-pronged approach to adding value at its wholly owned Wind Mountain gold/silver project in Nevada is progressing as planned after minor delays due to contractor availability.
Thirteen reverse-circulation (RC) holes were drilled during 2021 to in-fill a shallow, under-drilled portion of the existing resource with results successfully demonstrating higher-grade concentrations of gold and silver. A resource update is underway and will form the basis of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for a Phase 1 "Starter Pit" with studies to be released in early Q3 2022. This part of the program should upgrade the quality of shallow mineralization already discovered.
Renewed RC drilling at Wind Mountain is expected to begin on July 5th or 6th. Three or four holes, approximately 4,000' (1,200m), are planned from newly permitted drill sites to test beneath a zone of banded quartz veins intersected in December 2020 and followed up along strike in mid-2021. The vein zone is interpreted as a potentially important zone of upwelling, referred to as a feeder zone. Evidence includes the first banded quartz veins intersected in hole WM20-102, which intersected1.5 metres of 269.0g/t Ag and 0.404g/t Au within a thicker interval of banded quartz veining together with anomalous gold and silver. Four 2021 holes traced the banded vein zone beneath mine waste and gravel cover for approximately 330 metres, but the holes shallowed and did not test deeper in the vein zone than did WM20-102.
The new sites and larger RC drill rig should be able to test the vein zone approximately 150m deeper than the existing vein intersection. This part of the program is designed to test for high-grade gold and silver mineralization that is often found in upwelling/feeder zones of low-sulfidation deposits worldwide, a potential "game changer" for the project.
WM Feeder Target Cross Section Silver
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/5343/129645_7e508d71b47acbba_001full.jpg
Bravada is an exploration company with a portfolio of high-quality properties in Nevada, one of the best mining jurisdictions in the world. Bravada has successfully identified and advanced properties with the potential to host high-margin deposits while successfully attracting partners to fund later stages of project development. Bravada's value is underpinned by a substantial gold and silver resource with a positive PEA at Wind Mountain, and the Company has significant upside potential from possible new discoveries at its exploration properties.
Since 2005, the Company signed 32 earn-in joint-venture agreements for its properties with 19 publicly traded companies, as well as a similar number of property-acquisition agreements with private individuals. Bravada currently has 10 projects in its portfolio, consisting of 810 claims for approximately 6,500 ha in two of Nevada's most prolific gold trends. Most of the projects host encouraging drill intercepts of gold and already have drill targets developed. Several videos are available on the Company's website that describe Bravada's major properties, answering commonly asked investor questions. Simply click on this link https://bravadagold.com/projects/project-videos/.
Joseph Anthony Kizis, Jr. (AIPG CPG-11513) is the qualified person responsible for reviewing and preparing the technical data presented in this release and has approved its disclosure.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Bravada Gold Corporation
"Joseph A. Kizis, Jr."
Joseph A. Kizis, Jr., Director, President, Bravada Gold Corporation
For further information, please visit Bravada Gold Corporation's website at bravadagold.com or contact the Company at 604.684.9384 or 775.746.3780.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. These statements are based on a number of assumptions, including, but not limited to, assumptions regarding general economic conditions, interest rates, commodity markets, regulatory and governmental approvals for the company's projects, and the availability of financing for the company's development projects on reasonable terms. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, the timing and receipt of government and regulatory approvals, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Bravada Gold Corporation does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/129645
News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia
Snowline Gold Corp. (CSE:GD)(OTCQB:SNWGF) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to announce that it has encountered 415 m of nearly continuous mineralization downhole from bedrock surface in V-22-007 at its Rogue Project's Valley Zone in Canada's Yukon Territory. Hole V-22-007 was a 340 m step-out along-strike to the southeast of 2021 drill hole V-21-003 (which intersected 168.65 m averaging 1.25 gt Au from bedrock surface). A second drill rig mobilized to site and has completed drilling V-22-008, which intersected sheeted quartz veins 460 m from the nearest hole to date, further expanding the footprint of known mineralization at Valley
Snowline Chair and Director Craig Hart comments that "I've seen a lot of rocks and a lot of drill core from many intrusion-related gold systems, but these Valley intersections have the most intense vein densities I've ever seen. There are overprinting vein generations and varying vein orientations which is unusual and further indicates a very robust mineralizing system. To see these vein densities over significant widths is very encouraging. The numerous observations of visible gold and bismuthinite indicate that the system is mineralized, but of course the assay results are required before we get too excited." Dr. Hart is a globally recognized expert in intrusion-related gold systems.
Hole V-22-007 encountered steeply dipping sheeted quartz vein mineralization in diorite from bedrock surface at 4 m to its total depth of 415 m downhole (corresponding to roughly 340 m total vertical depth). The hole encountered the densest concentrations of sheeted quartz veins observed in the Valley Zone to date, in places exceeding 20 quartz veins per metre. Minor bismuthinite is commonly observed in veins. Small (
The presence of such a large and intense zone of mineralization in a significant step-out along trend highlights the scale potential of the Valley Zone. Assays for this and all holes drilled so far in 2022 remain pending.
Hole V-22-005 was described to 233 m depth in a previous news release (June 13, 2022), based on the progress of drilling at the time. The hole continued to a total depth of 339 m. Some of the hole's highest vein densities (up to 20 veins per metre) and its thickest quartz veins (up to 30 cm) were encountered below the 233 m mark in subsequent drilling, along with additional occurrences of trace visible gold.
A second helicopter-portable drill has mobilized to the Valley Zone. The two drills are working in tandem to rapidly build out the scale of known mineralization at Valley while exploiting efficiencies of shared logistical support.
This second drill has completed drill hole V-22-008, which was collared outside the northern boundary of the intrusion. The hole intersected moderate to strongly hornfelsed sandstones and siltstones locally cut by quartz-arsenopyrite veins known on surface to host gold. From 190.7 m downhole to end of hole at 292 m, V-22-008 encountered sheeted quartz veins in diorite, typically 3-5 veins per metre. The location of this mineralization is over 460 m laterally from mineralization in hole V-22-006 and 500 m along section from the collar of V-22-007, significantly expanding the potential footprint of the mineralized system at Valley.
Assays for all four holes drilled so far in 2022 are pending, and drilling of additional holes at Valley is ongoing. While the Company finds these visual results to be encouraging, it cautions that the significance of the observations reported herein will not be known until assays are received and reviewed. Valley is an early-stage exploration project without a resource estimate, and the presence or absence of an economically viable orebody cannot be determined until significant additional work is completed.
Table 1 - Location and orientations of completed holes thus far in the Valley Zone in 2022. Assays results for all holes remain pending.
The geological setting and style of mineralization at Rogue's Valley Zone indicate the presence of a bulk tonnage gold target, with similarities to Kinross's Fort Knox Mine in Alaska and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine in the Yukon. An 800 m Phase I drill program conducted at Valley in September 2021 encountered broad zones of gold mineralization in all four holes drilled (see Snowline news release dated February 10, 2022). Gold is associated with bismuthinite and telluride minerals hosted in sheeted quartz vein arrays along the margins of a mid-Cretaceous aged Mayo-series intrusion.
Valley is one of at least five bulk-tonnage gold targets present on Snowline's Rogue project. The Gracie target, roughly 4 km to the east, covers a 5.1 km x 0.8 km gold in soil and talus fine anomaly above an unexposed felsic intrusion (see Snowline news release dated April 7, 2022). Mineralization is thought to be similar to that at Valley. Following surface work to optimize drill targeting and assuming viable targets are identified, Phase I drilling will commence at Gracie in mid-season 2022.
Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with a seven-project portfolio covering >127,000 ha. The Company is exploring its flagship >85,000 ha Einarson and Rogue gold projects in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits including Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Newmont's Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine. The Company's first-mover land position and extensive database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.
Information in this release has been prepared under supervision of and approved by Thomas K. Branson, M.Sc., P. Geo., Exploration Manager for Snowline and a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.
ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD Scott Berdahl CEO & Director
For further information, please contact: Snowline Gold Corp. +1 778 650 5485 info@snowlinegold.com
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements about the Company's upcoming drill program, implied significance of visual inspection of drill core, and surface work and plans for exploring and expanding a new greenfield, district-scale gold system. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.
Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things: risks related to uncertainties inherent in drill results and the estimation of mineral resources; and risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.
News Provided by ACCESSWIRE via QuoteMedia
Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation ("Nevada Sunrise" or the "Company") (TSXV: NEV) (OTC: NVSGF) announced today the closing of its fully-subscribed non-brokered private placement first announced on June 8, 2022 and June 16, 2022 of 7,500,000 units (the "Units") at a price of $0.20 per Unit for gross proceeds of $1,500,000 (the "Offering"). Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company (a "Share") and one common share purchase warrant (a "Warrant"). Each Warrant will entitle the holder to purchase an additional common share (a "Warrant Share") at an exercise price of $0.30 per Warrant Share for a period expiring two years following the closing date of the Offering.
In connection with the closing of the Offering, the Company paid finder's fees of 7% cash and 7% finder's warrants (each a "Finder's Warrant"), consisting of $27,965 in cash and the issuance of 139,825 Finder's Warrants to the following finders: Haywood Securities Inc. - 87,325 Finder's Warrants and $17,465 cash; PI Financial Corp. - 43,750 Finder's Warrants and $8,750 cash; Canaccord Genuity Corp. - 5,250 Finder's Warrants and $1,050 cash; Red Cloud Securities Inc. - 3,500 Finder's Warrants and $700 cash. Each Finder's Warrant will entitle the holder thereof to purchase one Share in Nevada Sunrise at a price of $0.20 per Share, exercisable for a period expiring two years following the closing date of the Offering.
All securities issued in the Offering are subject to a hold period of four months plus one day from the closing date, with the hold period expiring on October 30, 2022 , during which time the securities may not be traded. The securities described herein have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States unless registered under the Act or unless an exemption from registration is available.
Proceeds from the Offering will be used to fund exploration of the Company's lithium, precious metals, cobalt and copper properties in Nevada , and for general working capital.
Nevada Sunrise is a junior mineral exploration company with a strong technical team based in Vancouver, BC , Canada , that holds interests in gold, copper, cobalt and lithium exploration projects located in the State of Nevada, USA .
Nevada Sunrise owns 100% interests in the Gemini and Jackson Wash lithium projects, both of which are located in the Lida Valley in Esmeralda County, NV. The Company owns Nevada water right Permit 86863 for 80.09 acre/feet/year, also located in the Lida Valley basin.
The Company's key gold asset is a 20.01% interest in a joint venture with Copaur Minerals Inc. at the Kinsley Mountain Gold Project near Wendover, NV. Kinsley Mountain is a Carlin-style gold project hosting a National Instrument 43-101 compliant gold resource consisting of 418,000 indicated ounces of gold grading 2.63 g/t Au (4.95 million tonnes), and 117,000 inferred ounces of gold averaging 1.51 g/t Au (2.44 million tonnes), at cut-off grades ranging from 0.2 to 2.0 g/t Au 1 .
1 Technical Report on the Kinsley Project, Elko County, Nevada , U.S.A., dated June 21, 2021 with an effective date of May 5, 2021 and prepared by Michael M. Gustin , Ph.D., and Gary L. Simmons , MMSA and filed under New Placer Dome Gold Corp.'s Issuer Profile on SEDAR ( www.sedar.com ).
Nevada Sunrise has right to earn a 100% interest in the Coronado VMS Project, located approximately 48 kilometers (30 miles) southeast of Winnemucca, NV. The Company owns a 15% interest in the historic Lovelock Cobalt Mine and the Treasure Box copper properties, each located approximately 150 kilometers (100 miles) east of Reno, NV , with Global Energy Metals Corp. holding an 85% participating interest.
This release may contain forward – looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur and include disclosure of anticipated exploration activities. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward – looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward – looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date such statements were made. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward – looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Such factors include, among others, risks related to the Company's exploration activities and future plans at its mineral exploration projects; reliance on technical information provided by third parties on any of our exploration projects; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; current economic conditions; future prices of commodities; possible variations in grade or recovery rates; failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; the failure of contracted parties to perform; labor disputes and other risks of the mining industry; delays due to pandemic; delays in obtaining governmental approvals, financing or in the completion of exploration, as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the Six Months Ended March 31 , 2022, which is available under Company's SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com .
Although Nevada Sunrise has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Nevada Sunrise disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The securities of Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to the account or benefit of any U.S. person.
SOURCE Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation
View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/June2022/29/c5864.html
News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia
Vancouver, Canada TheNewswire - June 28, 2022 Nexus Gold Corp. (" Nexus Gold " or the " Company ") (TSXV:NXS ) ( OTC:NXXGF ) ( FSE:N6E) announces its intent to spinout (the " Spinout ") the Company's existing Canadian projects (collectively, the " Canadian Projects "), which include the McKenzie Gold Project, located in Red Lake, Ontario, and the 13,000-hectare Cyclone Gold-Nickel-Copper project, located in the James Bay region, Quebec.
In anticipation of the Spinout, the Company is transferring all of its rights to the Canadian Projects to Nexus Metals Corp. (" Nexus Metals "), a newly-established subsidiary of the Company. A total of 45,390,465 shares of Nexus Metals will then be distributed on a pro rata basis to shareholders of the Company pursuant to a plan of arrangement conducted in accordance with the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). Based on the current outstanding share capital of the Company, it is anticipated that this will result in current shareholders receiving approximately 1 share of Nexus Metals for every 7 shares of the Company they hold as of the record date for the Spinout.
The Spinout is intended to allow the Company to segregate its assets for the purpose of more focused marketing and financing opportunities. Following the Spinout, the Company will continue to develop its West African projects while pursuing additional international opportunities, while Nexus Metals will focus on the Canadian Projects and the pursuit of North American-based opportunities.
"With the emergence of both McKenzie Gold Project in Red Lake, and the Dakouli 2 Gold Concession in Burkina Faso, West Africa, as viable, stand alone development projects, the Board feels the time is right to give both projects a more singular focus, " said president and CEO, Alex Klenman. "By spinning out the Canadian assets into a new reporting issuer we are able to pursue regionally specific acquisitions and financing opportunities. By keeping the Burkina Faso assets in Nexus, we can follow a similarly dedicated path with an international focus. This plan segregates the assets for both finance and marketing objectives, improves both acquisition and capital opportunities, and creates what we feel is a less restrictive path for project value to emerge. We believe this is the best course of action to pursue the next phase of development with our projects and we look forward to executing the plan in the coming months," continued Mr. Klenman.
The Company is also currently conducting due diligence on several potential project acquisitions for both companies to coincide with the proposed spinout transaction.
"We're currently looking at advanced projects for both entities," said CEO, Alex Klenman. "Nexus Metals will expand its focus to include not only gold, but other high-demand materials including lithium, and potentially copper as well. For Nexus Gold, we're looking at opportunities to acquire precious metals projects with established resources or that include enough data suggesting one isn't too far off. We have an opportunity here to change the landscape for Nexus, and the board is fully committed to creating a situation where value can be realized," continued Mr. Klenman.
Completion of the Spinout is subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange and the Supreme Court of British Columbia, as well as approval of the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting to be held on August 4, 2022 (the " Meeting "). Further information regarding the Spinout is available in the management information circular mailed to shareholders in connection with the Meeting, a copy of which will be available under the profile for the Company on SEDAR ( www.sedar.com ).
The board of directors has not yet determined a record date for the distribution of shares of Nexus Metals upon completion of the Spinout, and further details regarding completion of the Spinout will be provided in a subsequent news release. Following completion of the Spinout, Nexus Metals will become a reporting issuer in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws. While the Company intends to seek a listing for Nexus Metal on a Canadian stock exchange, completion of any listing will be subject to Nexus Metals fulfilling the listing requirements.
The Company also announces that it has reached an agreement with an arms-length service provider to settle an outstanding payable (the " Payable ") in the amount of $50,000 related to the provision of accounting services to the Company. In settlement of the Payable, the Company has agreed to issue 1,000,000 common shares at a deemed price of $0.05. Completion of the settlement remains subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The common shares issued in connection with the settlement will be subject to restrictions on resale for a period of four-months-and-one-day in accordance with applicable securities laws.
Nexus Gold is a Canadian-based gold exploration and development company with an extensive portfolio of projects in Canada and West Africa. The Company's primary focus is on its 100%-owned, Dakouli 2 Gold Concession in Burkina Faso, West Africa, and the McKenzie Gold Project, located in Red Lake, Ontario. The Company is focusing on the development of its core assets while seeking joint-venture, earn-in, and strategic partnerships for other projects in its portfolio.
For more information, please visit nxs.gold
On behalf of the Board of Directors of
info@nexusgoldcorp.com www.nexusgoldcorp.com
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially because of factors discussed in the management discussion and analysis section of our interim and most recent annual financial statement or other reports and filings with the TSX Venture Exchange and applicable Canadian securities regulations. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws.
Copyright (c) 2022 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
TomaGold Corporation (TSXV: LOT) (OTCQB: TOGOF) (" TomaGold " or the " Corporation ") is pleased to report the results of its annual general and special meeting of shareholders, which was held today on a hybrid basis. All the nominees listed in the Corporation's management proxy circular dated May 30, 2022, were re-elected as directors.
Shareholders holding 53,106,180 shares, or 33.04% of TomaGold's issued and outstanding shares were present or represented by proxy at the meeting.
Detailed results of the vote for the election of directors are set out below:
At the meeting, the shareholders also approved resolutions regarding:
About TomaGold TomaGold Corporation (TSXV: LOT) is a Canadian mineral exploration corporation engaged in the acquisition, assessment, exploration and development of gold mineral properties. TomaGold has interests in five gold properties near the Chibougamau mining camp in northern Quebec: Obalski, Monster Lake East, Monster Lake West, Hazeur and Lac Doda. It also participates in a joint venture with Evolution Mining Ltd. and New Gold Inc., through which it holds a 24.5% interest in the Baird property, near the Red Lake mining camp in Ontario.
Contact: David Grondin President and Chief Executive Officer (514) 583-3490 www.tomagoldcorp.com
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. Some of the statements contained in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "expects", "intends", "is expected", "potential", "suggests" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties beyond the Corporation's control. Readers are cautioned that such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results and developments are likely to differ, and may differ materially, from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Corporation undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.
News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia
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