Construction work on schedule at high school, middle school | Daily Democrat |

2022-08-19 23:02:10 By : Ms. Judy You

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Isolated thunderstorms early, then mainly cloudy overnight with thunderstorms likely. Low near 65F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%..

Isolated thunderstorms early, then mainly cloudy overnight with thunderstorms likely. Low near 65F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

A new access road has been constructed at Fort Madison Middle School for the future prekindergarten through sixth grade classes. The dirt needs to settle and it will likely be around six months before concrete is poured.

There’s a lot to be cleared and cleaned away at the front of Fort Madison High School before school starts. CANCO’s Chris Smith said “critical work” has been completed this summer.

A new access road has been constructed at Fort Madison Middle School for the future prekindergarten through sixth grade classes. The dirt needs to settle and it will likely be around six months before concrete is poured.

There’s a lot to be cleared and cleaned away at the front of Fort Madison High School before school starts. CANCO’s Chris Smith said “critical work” has been completed this summer.

Work is on schedule at the high school and middle school, according to Chris Smith, Carl A. Nelson vice president of operations.

Smith told the Fort Madison Community School District school board Monday that critical pieces have been done, even if not all of the work on the storm and water sewers have been completed over the summer.

“We didn’t get it all the way done, which we hoped to,” he said, “and I think part of that was when we pushed the bid date back, we lost two weeks there.”

Smith said it took longer than expected to get manhole structures and work couldn’t start until those arrived.

“So we did get the critical pieces done,” he said. “Unfortunately, we’re still going to be digging in the front of the school, but it’ll be in the lawn areas, not the pavement areas.”

Fort Madison Community School District Board of Directors President Dianne Hope asked people to “pardon our mess” as the construction continues, and to be flexible.

“I know the educators and all our staff are going to be inconvenienced in different ways,” she said. “So we ask for everyone’s cooperation.”

Board member Mio Santiago suggested placing signs of what the site may look like when it’s completed and sharing photos online of work in progress.

“Visuals would be good to just remind our community where we’re going to end up,” he said, “because right now, what’s prominent in their mind, is mess.”

Hope said one of the aspects people seem to be anxious to see completed is the new access road at the middle school (the future prekindergarten through sixth grade site).

“That’s going to be be a good addition when it’s done,” she said.

Smith said it will certainly help traffic circulation.

“We are really close to getting black dirt spread around that new access road and our plan will be to get that area seeded yet this fall,” he said, “so that hopefully will start turning green again here and not look like a massive construction area right in front of the school.”

A lot of dirt got moved for that area, Smith said.

“That’s 90-95, maybe even 99%, done right now. That area needs to wait for a period of time,” he said. “If you remember when the middle school was built, they brought in a big pile of dirt that was supposed to settle the existing dirt on a new pad and that is kind of the same thing going on with that road.”

Smith said the plan is for that dirt to settle for around six months before it is paved.

“It’s been a good month of work at the two sites,” Smith said.

“Obviously we are making a mess in front of the high school here, but we are trying to get a lot of work done before school starts.”

Storm and water sewers were run in front of the high school and up the south and east side of the circle drive, Smith said. The board approved a change order to pour concrete in that area before school starts.

Also completed, Smith said, is the building pad at the high school. Dirt was imported to the high school music wing addition.

“Got most of the building pad dirt moved for the PK-6 addition as well,” he said. “That’s not done, and the only reason it’s not done is there’s some plumbing tie-ins that need to happen before we can bring that area up.”

Next, Smith said, was to get everything cleaned up and ready for school. Then, workers will start to ram the aggregate piers.

“They essentially auger a hole and then pack rock in there,” he said, “and that rock pressure pushes outward on the soil. Rather than having to fill it up and then wait for it to settle, that process compacts the soil underneath the foundations.”

After that, Smith said, workers should be starting to pour cement at the PK-6.

“We’re probably about a week, week and a half off from starting to pour some concrete foundations at the pre-K-6 addition,” he said. “And then we’ll be reissuing documents here in the next couple of days for the rebidding of bid package 9A/9B we’re calling them now.”

Isolated thunderstorms early, then mainly cloudy overnight with thunderstorms likely. Low near 65F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

Isolated thunderstorms early, then mainly cloudy overnight with thunderstorms likely. Low near 65F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. High 77F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.

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